Here comes the bride

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July 27,

Las Vegas, Nevada

My best friend is finally walking down the aisle this is surreal tonight is her last night as a single woman. I made sure my bestie had the best night ever before she married the love of her life. I booked a penthouse suite at the Caesars Palace we were all packed for the hour flight.

I invited Daysha and Jessica; I haven't seen them in ages. Daysha's career has taken off she's been booked and busy all year from choreographing music videos and touring. Jessica has been dipping into acting. He's starring in a Hulu film and it's performing really well so proud of my girls.

Who would've known in a year we'd be where we're know I love seeing my friends thrive and level up in life. Can't wait to see my girls I'd be flying out to Vegas early before the rest of the girls Chris tour is back in motion, he found a replacement to fill Isis's spot fairly quickly.

Another incoming R&B girl RZA she's super talented his team should've opted for her from the beginning she's more deserving. Chris grabbed my luggage packing it into the truck. I texted the girls in the group chat letting them know I would be landing in Vegas soon. I wanted to make sure everything was set up and organized before they got here.

Chris seemed off today. I wonder what's going through his head we've been good after our talk but I think he's more worried about the baby situation.

On his way out I stopped him " are you okay?" I asked him.

He nodded " I'm alright" he said.

" Are you sure?'' I spoke.

He tried to reassure me but I knew he was still in his head it's rare when he's like this.

I dropped the subject we made our way to the airport to catch the flight. He was very quiet and didn't really say much. I think it has something to do with the baby, so I'll just let him sulk until he's ready to have a real conversation about it.

Two hours later...

We landed in Vegas I booked a suite for the girls and I at Creaser's Palace. I organized our itinerary for the night Kelly's getting married in two days I cannot believe it. Chris dropped me off at the hotel where he had to meet up with his team at the T-Mobile arena he has a show tonight.

I ordered food and drinks for the girls and also hired a glam team to do hair and makeup for the girls and I. Tonight is going to be epic and a very good distraction from what's going on my life right now.

Kelly was the first to arrive she looked great in her white sundress it's at 100 degrees' so the dress was very fitting.

" Omg! it's been forever since we linked up" Kelly said.

I hugged her tightly " I missed you girl" I said.

Kelly let go of our embrace " how, are you?" she asked me.

" I'm, okay how's my parents?" I asked.

" they're good they miss you" she said.

We made our way to the bar I poured us a shot of Hennessey.

My parents and I still were not on speaking terms it hurts to even think about how strained our relationship has become so I didn't comment and downed my shot I was planning on having a good time trying to forget all of my problems.

"you, have to talk to them eventually" Kelly said.

"today is your day I don't want to talk about my parents" I said.

Kelly took a shot of her own "I cannot believe I am getting married" she said.

I smiled holding her hands "we've come a long way girl" I said.

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