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CHAPTER ELEVEN. | Dedication.

The first thing was not oh shit a villains here! or just defeat the villain and run— no, it was—

"The fuck are you doing with my cat?"

He smirked, tilting his head in an almost— no wait he was actually laughing.

"Wow, when he told us you were stone-cold, I didn't expect something like this... Though, I expected a warmer welcome for our... second encounter, no?"

Your mind almost immediately recognized not only his voice, but the words ‘second’ and ‘encounter’.

"You're the guy I met on that park bench? Never would've expected for you to look so..." You dragged the word out, looking him up and down.

In the soft moonlight provided, along with the blue hues from the fire, you could clearly see purple scars around his undereyes and chin area, along with some peeking out from his shirt.
His eyes undoubtedly matched the colour of the flames around you, while his hair was black, jet black.

"Same for you, doll, what's with the mummy look?" He gestured to the many bandages littering your body, to any normal hero-to-be, they would pass it off as training— which it was.
But under most of the cuts you had bandaged, were even deeper engravements from your parents, once that just didn't heal.

"I don't really feel like talking much, so—" You quickly teleported behind him, scooping up Momo into your arms in one movement, since he had also moved forward during your chat, before he could even register that you were gone, "Run, baby." You whispered to your dear cat, who obliged, to not cause much disturbance.

The man quickly turned around, slight shock in his eyes, as the smirk was not once wiped from his face, "No wonder you're Target One. Pretty and full of surprises, aren't you? I'd rather not hurt you too much, so would you just obey?"

"Come at me."

He rose his hand, blue flames sparked at his palm before a straight wave of blue inferno shot towards you.
You barely managed to dodge it, as the flames caught onto the trees and path behind you, the smoke trailing up into the sky above.
He was strong, it seemed Shigaraki had gathered a much better team than the USJ attack.

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