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A/N For now, I'm sticking with 3rd person. If you have a problem with that, please let me know in a review. Also let me know if I should write in 1st or 3rd person.

"Turtlepaw. Turtlepaw! Turtlepaw, wake up!" Turtlepaw blinked her eyes open. "What?" she snapped. "Can't you see I'm trying to sleep?"

                Whiteshine, her mentor, looked at her sternly. "When it's leaf-bare, there is no time to be lazy and sleep all day while you can be out trying to catch prey for your clan. You should know this by now. Come on, we're on a hunting patrol with Pepperfur and Limppaw."

                She gaped at Whiteshine. "Wha-do you hate me or something?" Whiteshine ignored her and went on. "Clanmates need to learn to get along. Now come, unless you want the whole clan to starve just because of one measly unhealthy friendship."

                Turtlepaw muttered under her breath but heaved herself onto her paws nonetheless. She padded out of the den, Whiteshine right behind her. Whiteshine led her to where Limppaw was, and left them alone until he came back from the dirtplace.

                Limppaw ignored her for the majority of the time. Finally, Turtlepaw got bored, so she poked him with her claw. He spun around as fast as lightning. "Don't touch me!"

                Turtlepaw stuck her nose into the air. "I can touch you whenever I want!" Limppaw's whiskers twitched. "Did you bother to think before you said that?"

                Turtlepaw turned red. "That wasn't what I meant, and you know it!" Limppaw smirked. "I know, but I can still tease you."

                "Limppaw!" she lunged for him, but he dodged. "Nice try. Come on, why don't we focus on something more important than this for now?" Turtlepaw flicked her tail. "Fine." Just then, Whiteshine came back from the Dirtplace.

                "Come, let's wake up Pepperfur," Whiteshine commanded. Whiteshine's smile then became crooked and evil. "You wake up Pepperfur!" Limppaw and Turtlepaw exchanged looks. "I call pulling her tail!"


                Pepperfur came back to RiverClan grumpy that day, though she had caught many fish. Limppaw was planning on how to wake her up next time, and Whiteshine was stretching in the sun. Turtlepaw was taking her time, eating a fish and flinging stones at the back of Limppaw's head, though failing miserably. Limppaw shot her a smirk when she missed before scrambling to his paws and running away before Turtlepaw could claw him.

                Turtlepaw glared at him. As if he was bad enough. Now I couldn't scar him for life. Of course, that would result in large punishment....But that didn't really matter, did it? Well, it did. Tonight was the gathering, and they were going to announce her apprenticeship. If she missed the gathering, others would assume that she had come off to a bad apprenticeship, and she didn't want that.

                Turtlepaw longed to chase after Limppaw and bite his tail, (well, at least the remainder of it) off.  That would be pretty rude though, and if Silverstar saw...That wouldn't be good. The sound of pawsteps shook her from her thoughts. Turtlepaw looked up and found a pair of green eyes staring straight into her soul.

                Ravenclaw. "Ready to patrol the ShadowClan border? You can finish your fish first," she mewed. Turtlepaw nodded eagerly. Turtlepaw couldn't stay in camp for long without being bored out of her mind, unless she was sleeping. Turtlepaw quickly gulped down her fish with ravenous bites and buried the bones.

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