I say Hakuna!

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Zuko awoke with a start. Weird dreams had plagued his mind that night, mostly nightmares involving people he knew and people he didn't. He assumed they were the result of his lack of proper nutrition over the last few days and shook his head as they were quickly forgotten.

For nearly two weeks, Zuko followed the river through vast plains and forests and over mountains, until finally he reached the sea. There he discovered the town of Great Forks, a large fishing settlement which sat at the mouth of a great river that split off into a dozen smaller ones.

Finding the main road, Zuko stumbled weakly into town and began looking around for a place to rest. Not many people were around as it was a fishing day and most of its residents were out at sea. The only one who was out and about was the local cabbage merchant, who was trying desperately to sell his cart full of cabbages.

"Cabbages! Fresh green cabbages!" he called out, pushing his cart along. Spotting Zuko coming toward him, he grabbed a cabbage and put on a big smile. "You there young man. Want to buy a cabbage?"

Zuko however, was so weak from hunger, injury and exhaustion that he collapsed right in the middle of the road.

The cabbage merchant's face fell and he rushed to the boys side. "Hey kid, are you okay?" He bent down and shook Zuko's shoulder but the young boy didn't move.

"Oh my goodness!" The cabbage merchant said anxiously. "I got to go find help!"

"I think you mean you need help!"

Suddenly a group of bandits appeared behind him, their swords and chains drawn as they stood intimidatingly around him. A tall mustached bandit then stepped forward and held his sword to the cabbage merchant's throat. "Put your hands in the air old man."

"Old!" he said indignantly as a scrawny red headed bandit grabbed him from behind and bound his hands with rope.

"We'll be taking your cart now...along with your profits." said the tall bandit as he walked over to the cart and grabbed a large bag of coins.

A large fat bandit then grabbed two large heads of cabbage and began juggling them in the air. "Neat! Check me out guys. Who knew cabbages were good for juggling?"

"And they're tasty too!" said a red headed bandit as he bite off a chunk of cabbage. "We have enough here to last a month. We should throw a banquet!"

"NOO! My cabbages!" yelled the merchant as he struggled under the thick ropes.

"Quiet you!" the tall bandit yelled, yanking the rope back.

As the men began helping themselves to the cabbages, a small rock flew out of nowhere and nailed the tall bandit hard in the back of the head.

"OUCH!" he screamed as he stumbled forward and dropped the rope. The cabbage merchant used the opportunity to scuttle away and disappeared into a nearby alley before the others noticed.

"You okay there boss?" asked the bearded bandit as he helped him up.

The tall bandit stood up and grimaced in anger "Who's the dead man that threw that!"

As he turned around to look for the culprit, he noticed Zuko who still lay unconscious on the ground.

"Where'd this kid come from?" Looking over the cart, the bandits saw where Zuko lay and walked over to him. One of the bandits nudged Zuko with his foot but the boy didn't move.

"Little guy's passed out." said a bearded bandit. "Looks like a lost traveler."

"Traveler eh?" said the tall bandit, turning to the men on either side "Search his pockets, maybe he has something of value on him."

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