Chapter 10- The Chinese Curse Part 2

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Chapter 14- The Chinese Curse Part 2

*For this chapter, I am referring to the 1st curse, MAY YOU LIVE IN INTERESTING TIMES.

**** A dream****

Kent's POV
Principal Sir had called me inside. I gulped in to moisten my dry throat but it didn't really help me much. My mind was still replaying that nutjob's words on a constant loop.

He'll help me get my girl...

I know I should have my head here. Cause I was about to confront my dad after an hour long parent teacher meet he had with Mr. Haggard.

My steps were difficult for me. My body probably weighted a ton in those seconds. But my eyes, they were stuck to the floor. There was no way I am watching those eyes.

I walked inside the office and felt the two staring at me. To be safe, I looked up at Mr. Haggard. He was smiling at me. I could see proud in his eyes. There were a few certificates in his hand. Probably from my top scores and the extra curricular achievements I had this year. But I know they won't please him. My dad was staring at me. Still not looking in his direction I walked to stand beside him.

"Kent, I am so proud to present you with these achievements. You are one of the finest of Wilkins." my principal was beaming at me. He slid those papers in my father's direction. I stared at them quietly. And then did the biggest mistake.

I looked up to my father. His smile made a chilling shiver run down my spine. He didn't even bother looking at those certificates. He was staring at me. He placed a hand on my shoulder as he spoke.

"Yes, He is 'one' of the finest. But not the only finest here. You know why I am so successful Mr. Haggard? Because I thrive to be the best. The only. Just the one." my eyes were locked with him. There was no escaping now. The disgust in those eyes was clear and pure. He continued talking to my principal but he sneered at me. And then his fingers dug into my shoulder.

You'd say that feels like a threat? Yeah, it kinda was." That is what I want my son to be. Kent should be the best, not one of them. But what am I hearing Son? You got into a fight? And got a detention?"

My eyes widened, but they were not from the shock but from what he did to me next. His nails dug deep into my skin right above the burn mark he himself gifted me in the last break. His fingers grated my chafed skin and I couldn't do anything but beg him with my eyes.

"That's ok Mr. Stevens. I told you, it was just a small misunderstanding. He was helping a friend. I'd say, that's very noble of him." Mr. Haggard reasoned with my father. But he couldn't really see what I saw.

Water pooled in my eyes from the memory that pain was triggering in my head. His hand was still on my shoulder. One would only see a father and a son having a silent talk. But they won't see what he just said to me. I would be getting another beating when I come home in the Christmas break.

"A friend you say? Is this the same kid who's my son's roommate?" I dropped down my gaze, biting my cheeks hard to not break into tears. His hand finally slid down my shoulder as he turned to Mr. Haggard. "I'd like to meet that kid someday."

Friend? My friend? Who are they talking about? I don't have any friends...

"Stevens, I don't know your father. But I know you... I consider you my friend..."

"I can never thank you enough for all your help... You are a great guy. If your dad doesn't know that about you, its his loss. I'll just pray that man gets some sense knocked into his head to know what a great son he has."

Was he right? Sean said that all that happened wasn't my fault. But that's not what my dad thinks. I can't reason with him. How am I suppose to make him understand when I can't even look straight at him. I could only wish if someone would tell my father how hard I am trying. Someone...?

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