8th August 2022 rambles..

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Hey all!!!
Today is Shawn Mendes's birthday!

Hey all!!!Today is Shawn Mendes's birthday!

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May God bless him.

Fun fact: Shawn released this song the day, I felt really bad. I felt like he knew what was going to happen to me. 

And now for the real part, I am tired. Not because of him, of course, but generally. There is just so much to do and nothing was done. I feel like I am drowning myself sometimes but I really don't mind.

What's life without ups and downs?

It is going to be boring AF.

Also, guys comment on what kind of programs I should work on because I feel like trying to do some codes. Speaking of codes, do check out Brewing Codes.

My other books are still work in progress.

MDB, I have no idea what I am supposed to do because whenever I open I am tempted to close it. The CEO's roommate, I finished with the next chapter and now working on the next one. I am actually going out of my actual notes. *nervous smile*

Hope things would work out.

That's all for today! Ciao bella.

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