Chapter 2

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Bella's POV

Previously: Ugh. Speak of the devil, and he shall appear. But wait! What is Black doing at

my desk?

"Hey babe!" Jacob called from my desk. I guess he got encouraged to confront me in

front of Emmett since it's the last day of school. Jacob walked over to me, and slung his

arm around my shoulder. I quickly shrugged him off, and glared at him. About to make a

smart ass remark, Emmett spoke,

"If you ever put those filthy excuse for an arm around my sister's shoulder, or if you

even touch her, that will be the last thing you do. Understand?" Emmett had pushed Jake

against the wall, grabbing him by the shirt. I didn't want to interrupt Emmett's threat, but

the bell rang, so I did anyway.

"Em! Come on! He's not worth it," I pause, "and he'll never be." I shot a glance at Jacob,

daring him to argue. He nodded at Emmett, and half ran, half tripped out of the

classroom. Where is he going? This is his first period! Probably to find another girl. Poor

guy couldn't stand rejection. Pathetic.

"I swear Bella! If he ever takes a look at you, just call me, and I'll be there!" Emmett

spoke with honesty. This is what I liked about my big brother. He was always honest

with me. My own personal teddy bear, or my own personal body guard. Take a pick. I like both.I haven't noticed Edward so far, but I nearly jumped out of my skin as he spoke from behind m

"Sorry I'm late, teach. Had a thing going on," Edward lied. I took my assigned seat, at

looked over to Edward. His hair was messy, and his lips were swollen. No doubt that 'the

thing' he had going on was having a make out session in the janitor's closet. Ugh. What a pig!

Okay, Let me clear this up for you guys. I sit between Alice and Emmett. Rose sits in

front of Emmett, Jasper sits in front of me, Edward sits behind me, and Jacob sits in the

very back row. Am I lucky or what?

The teacher, Ms. Hayes, came in and started my favorite class.

First, second, third, and fourth period went by in a flash. We barely did any work. I love

the last day of school! Rose and I were walking towards the cafeteria. We had fourth

period math together.

"Any plans for the summer?" I asked Rosalie.

"Hmm…" Rose took a second to think. She always thinks before she talks, since she

never wants to leave out anything 'super-major-awesome-important' as she puts it.

She's probably thinking about all the things she will do this summer. How pathetic. I'm just

staying at home.

"Well… my parents are going to Europe for 2 weeks. I'm staying home with Jasper. Alice

and I are planning to go shopping, including you of course," I gulped as she mentioned

this. Rose laughed at my reaction and continued on about how she wants to get a sexy

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