Chapter 3

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Bella's POV

Previously: Oh, boy! This is going to be a long night!

Alice dragged me up to her room to do my make up. I was her 'Barbie Doll' as she put it.

Rose joined us later, after she set up the punch. Yes, I did say punch. Carlisle and Esme

weren't that cool. They did not want any alcohol what so ever in/or close to their house.

After Alice and Rosalie tortured me with make up, we picked out a cute outfit for me. It

was ripped jeans with a baby blue tube top. The two girls did my hair, and then moved on

to their beauty. I sat on the couch, in front of the TV, next to Emmett, crossed legged,

reading a fashion magazine. Might as well get some style into me!

"Aaaand we're here!" Alice squealed running down the stairs. She was wearing a purple

tank top with a mini skirt. Rose was wearing super-short shorts, with a green, tight tube

top. Emmett whistled as she made her way down the stairs gracefully.

"Lookin' good, babe," Emmett stood up, and went to make-out with Rose. One word: Eww.

Alice rolled her eyes at me, and went to go help Jasper with the decorations.

Ding! Dong! Ding! The door bell rang. I looked out the window, slightly moving the curtain

to the side. Who do I see? None other then Edward. He always forgets his house keys, as

Alice told me. I opened to door and he glared at me.

"What are you doing here, Swan?" He asked with curiosity."Umm, the party! Remember?" I said in a duh tone, "It's okay, I don't blame you. Must

have slipped from your mind with all the pants you slipped down too," I continued with

disgust. He looked taken aback, and then towered over me.

"Listen to me, Sw-" Edward began.

"Edward, my man!" he was thankfully cut short by my hero. Scratch that. My enemy.

Jacob came up to the door, and punched fists with Edward. I glared at him when Jake

smiled at me.

"Oh, Emmett! Come here for a second!" I smugly called. I saw Jacob's smile disappear as

fast as it came. He looked like a puppy with its tail between its legs. Ha! Emmett came

casually from the stairs with his arm around Rose's shoulder, and his eyes nearly jumped

out of it's socket when he saw Jake.

"What are you doing here, Black?" Emmett asked. He's not a friend of Jake. Emmett is

totally against Jacob's life style. He strongly dislikes him

"I was invited." Jacob said, slightly angry. I was about to un-invite him, but Alice came

over to the door.

"Oh! Hi Jacob! Come in!" Alice said in her usual perky voice. I'm sure my jaw is probably

reaching the polished floor right now. Since when is Alice nice to 'the player'?

I squealed in alarm when Rose pulled me aside to the kitchen. She then started talking in

a hurry.

"The only reason Alice invited Jake is to get Edward jealous. She knows Jacob flirts with

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