Chapter 5

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Bella's POV

I saw Alice gulp as Edward looked at her. Poor girl. I wonder what Edward has in mind for

her. I still hate Edward for licking my belly button. It felt so weird, and to think he wouldn't

stop. Perv.

"Alice, truth or dare?" Edward asked in a sick, sweet voice. Alice started to look scared,

but thankfully Emmett saved her.

"Nice try, Eddie. But Alice just picked you. You can't pick her after she picked you, since

she just picked you. Get it? Don't pick her," Emmett complained. I looked around, kind of

confused by what Emmett just said. Alice sighed in relief. I heard Edward grunt and I

stifled a laugh. In your face, I thought.

"Fine. I pick Jasper," Edward said with a slight blush. Ahh, so the player boy cannot handle

a little humiliation.

"I pick truth, but make it quick," Jasper said, munching on some chips.

"Have you ever read Alice's dairy?" Edward asked with a knowing look. Jasper's smiledisappeared, and he looked over at Alice.

"I'm sorry, baby. I didn't mean to. I-It was on y-your table," He stuttered, trying to find

a good excuse why he invaded Alice's privacy.

"Jasper Hale! I cannot believe you! WHAT DID YOU READ?" Alice asked, slightly outraged.

"Just how much you love me," Jasper whispered. Alice calmed down a bit, but threw a

chip at Jasper nonetheless. I laughed along with Rosalie. Jasper picked Rosalie, who

picked dare. She had to dress up in rags, and go next door begging for money. The

neighbor was slightly confused why a pretty girl in rags asked her for money. Then she

yelled at us because we were laughing at Rose on the street. With a sigh, Rose seated

herself on the bean bag and looked over at me.

"Bella. I know you pick dare, since you hate truth, so I'll just go out and say your task,"

Rose said with a smile. Apparently everyone knew what she wanted except Edward and

I. Emmett did a drum roll, and Alice started going Dum! Dum! Dum! Da!

"I dare you to spend the rest of this day handcuffed to none other than Edward Anthony

Cullen. It's 1 a.m. right now, and we will remove the handcuffs at midnight," Rose said,

looking at the clock. I gasped and look at Emmett.

"How can you let this happen? You're supposed to protect me, not throw me to the

sharks!" I yelled at him. Emmett shrugged and went to get more juice. I haven't noticed

that Alice was gone until she ran down the stairs.

"Okay, Bella, Edward. This is a 500 dollar handcuff. I had it made especially in three

different countries. The chain between the two cuffs is 4 feet long. It grants you bathroom

privileges," Alice said, as she showed us the handcuff, "But, after having done your

bathroom stuff, you have to pull it back to normal size, no exceptions."

"Hell no! I'm NOT doing this!" Edward and I yelled at the same time. Alice and Rose

exchanged a smile, and motioned Emmett and Jasper forward.

"Edward," Jasper begins, "If you do not do this, then Emmett and I will make sure you

will have no ladies for the WHOLE summer." Nice threat, Jasper. I'm sure Edward can't

go a week without screwing someone up. I glared as Edward agreed, and Emmett looked at m

"Now, now, little sis. We don't want Charlie to know who is responsible for the spray paint

on his cruiser, do we?" Emmett tisked me. How dare he? I was drunk! He was the one

who handed me the spray paint! Ugh! I agreed reluctantly, and Rose told us to take a

shower and go use the bathroom.

Alice followed me upstairs, and we had a conversation while I took a shower.

"Which one would you prefer? The white, or the blue tank top?" She shouted to me. I

took a second to think.

"Blue!" I yelled from the shower.

"Shorts or mini skirt?" She asked over the door. I made my way out, drying my wet hair

with a towel.

"I'm offended you even have to ask! Shorts!" I told Alice. She then threw some clothesat me, and shoved me back inside her bathroom. I guess I could play along with this

whole stupid dare. I mean, it's just, what? 23 hours? I can live with that, as long as dad

never knows how the unicorn and rainbow got on his car…

Edward's POV

"Why the hell are you guys doing this?" I shouted at Jasper, Emmett, and Rose as soon as

Bella and Alice were out of hearing range. I was only going along with this since I need

some distractions from my life, and Emmett threatened to take away those distractions.

"I want to test your endurance," Emmett said in a duh tone. Right. Like I was going to

believe this. Something tells me there is more behind this dare then just my 'endurance'.

I narrowed my eyes at them, and made my way up to my room. I entered my shower,

and as I was turning the water on, I heard Jasper yell outside my bathroom door.

"You want me to pick your outfit out? Ooo! You could wear a dark button up shirt! Or

maybe a baby blue muscle shirt! Or wear your football jersey! Or-" I quickly interrupted

Jasper before he could list all the shirts I owned.

"You're becoming more like Alice everyday!" I shouted at him. He just laughed and kept on

going threw my clothes. I heard him open my bathroom door and come inside.

"A little privacy would be nice," I yelled at him from the shower.

"Relax! I'm just putting your clothes on the counter. Besides, if I was gay, I would go

for someone else," Jasper said with a laugh. Is that supposed to be an insult? Yeah, it is...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2013 ⏰

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