Chapter 1 The Alley

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The wind whistled as I paced down the sidewalk. The moon hid behind clouds up in the sky. I could hear the horns of vehicles from the distance. Apartments of all kinds towered me. Most of their windows were pitch-black. While some still had the light on. I kept my dark blue hood on my head so my hair won't be a mess. My hair fluttered a bit when the wind blew right on me.

I just moved here in the city, and I've haven't really explored that much since I kinda freak out when I see a lot of people. I like it better when I'm alone. I hate it when people stare. My parents are always out because of their job. That's the reason why we moved here in New York, and also another reason and I won't tell. The name's Reese by the way.

I pulled the sleeve of my jacket down my left arm that covered my watch. It was getting late. My parents might be home soon. They'll kill me if they found out I always do this. They still don't know that I always go out at night. I just walk around then come back home again. Since they're always busy and they are always away from home, they don't notice. My apartment was still far and I couldn't run anymore.

I saw an alley nearby. I decided to pass it instead. Like a shortcut I suppose. I walked into the alley. It was slightly dim. There was a big garbage bin in the side with trash bags leaning on it. It was too dark and smelly. I was feeling more nervous as I walked deeper in the alley I wanted to get out of here. I don't like it. But I had no choice.

I took a left turn. Then, I stopped at my tracks. My eyes widened in fear. I slowly backed up as I saw men in black clothes with freaky masks. They're at least ten of them. There might be more. They were carrying some kind of boxes. I was ready to run the opposite direction until one of the men noticed me. I tried to run but they seized me.

"Help!!" I cried.

They pinned me down on the ground. I didn't want to struggle. They had guns. My heart was beating very fast.

"Keep quiet!" One of them barked, pointing his gun to me. I flinched.

My eyes started to get wet. I shivered in fear. I wish I didn't pass the alley.

All of a sudden there were figures that came out of nowhere landed on the ground with a loud thud. I couldn't see them since it was a little dark. But I could hear them fighting the men. I quickly crawled and leaned against a wall. I hugged my knees tightly. I was still panting with fear.

I saw the men being beaten up by someone huge. There was punching and kicking. I heard the grunts and groans of the men. Then everything stopped. I didn't hear any fighting anymore. I noticed a silhouette in the shadows. I slowly stand up to take a closer look. Then it stepped out of the shadows. I gasp. It wasn't a person. It looked like a big turtle with a blue mask. It was holding some kind of sword in his hand. I was a little shocked and stared in awe.

Then he spoke calmly, "Ma'am are you okay?" I nodded.

"You better get out of here," he says. "It's not safe here."

I gave him a nod. I wanted to say thank you but I couldn't. He backs up and disappears in the shadows. He was out of sight. It's like he vanished into thin air. I headed for the exit of the alley. I turned around to see if he was still there.

Gone. Questions were going around my head. Was that really a turtle? Am I dreaming? Or hallucinating? A turtle standing on two legs and talks, well that's something you don't see everyday. Turning to the exit, I took one step. But next thing I knew a heavy object clocks my head. I collapse on the ground. I try to get up. I couldn't. My body was slowly feeling numb. My vision becomes blurry and everything slowly went black.

Leo's POV

I heard a quiet thud. My brothers were tying up the Foot Soldiers. I darted to the sound to find out what happened. Then I found out there was one soldier left. The girl was lying on the ground. I assume he knocked her out. I kicked him, sending him to the wall. I carried the girl in my arms.

Raphael, my brother went up to me. "Leo, what are you doing?" He asked.

"We can't leave her here in the alley," I replied

"So what are you going to do?"

"Let's bring her to the lair." I suggested

"What!?! Are you crazy, Leo?!!" Raph retorted, giving me a glare.

"He knocked her out. We can't just leave her."

Raph groaned and said, "Leo, we can't just bring her to the lair."

"Hey dudes what's going on?" asked Mikey, our little brother.

"Leo wants to bring the girl to the lair," Raph answered, nonchalantly.

"Oooooh, she looks pretty," Mikey grinned, looking at her.

Then my nerdy brother, Donnie joins in. "What are you guys waiting for? We gotta hustle."

"Leo wants to bring her to the lair," replied Raph, annoyed.

"What happened?" asked Donnie.

"She was clocked on the head. I think..," I answered.

"We should probably bring her to the lair," Donnie said. "It's not safe for her to be here."

"Yeah, we should," Mikey agreed, nodding.

"Uggghh! Leo, we can't just bring strangers in the lair," Raph seethed.

"Raph, please... Not now," I said calmly.

Donnie and Mikey look at each other.

"Here we go again," Donnie shrugged.

"Yup," Mikey nodded.

"Look Leo, she will call us freaks..," Raph tried to reason. "...then she'll tell everyone in the city that she's seen giant mutant turtles."

I sighed and said, "Then will tell her not to."

Raphael grumbles. "And how will you that! She will just scream. All girls do."

"We don't even know if she will."

Raph scowled at me and crossed his arms.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Donnie, "Uhh... Leonardo, we gotta hustle... now."

"I know Don. We're bringing her to the lair."

"Fine!" Raph grumbled.

Donnie was touching his hologram watch. "A manhole cover is a few blocks away."

"Let's go," I said. I went ahead of my brothers. We jumped from rooftop to rooftop. I tried to be careful with the girl. I hold her tightly in my arms. As I jumped, her hair swayed. Mikey did some tricks with his rocket skateboard.

Soon we reached the manhole cover. Donnie opens it with his staff. Donnie goes first, followed by Raph. I carefully carried down her the sewer. We took a few turns. And we finally got to the lair. I carefully put her down in our Pizza box couch and put a blanket on her.

I turned to Donnie, who sat on his seat. "Donnie, when will she wake up?" I asked.

"After a few minutes," Donnie answered.

I sighed deeply. "Splinter's gonna kill us."

"Yeah, of course he will," Raph blurted out.

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