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"What is it that you wish to discuss, Mastermind?"

"Impatient as always, Beast. Please, have a seat first. Let's enjoy the meal as we discuss some... serious matters."

The Mastermind waved a hand, and the workers instantly prepared the exquisite dishes. She sat down, and The Henchman ushered the other three to follow her suite. It was a sight to behold, the five most powerful villains dining together. The pressure inside the room was enough to make anyone piss themselves in fear.

"I would like to ask you a few questions."

"And what makes you think that we will give you answers?"

The Devil challenged, skilfully playing with the cutlery knife. Underneath their masks, they all wore different expressions. The Devil, obviously, was smirking confidently at her own remark. The Henchman had a neutral look, constantly glancing at her master to wait for her orders. The Beast and The Fanatic had amused expressions, enjoying the scene that unfolded in front of them. But The Mastermind held a smile underneath her Golden Mask.

"I'm asking questions, and you're gonna give me answers. Its not a request, its a demand."

"How brazen, Mastermind. I knew you were cunning, but I didn't knew you were this bold."

It was The Beast who spoke this time, a look of distaste written on her face that was hidden behind her Red mask. The Fanatic, however, had a hunch and was guessing where this will lead. She heard a lot of rumors about The Mastermind from insiders, and she knew that this Villain was way too smart. From all she knew, The Mastermind doesn't bluff. Her confidence was backed up with something dangerous, and she was right.

"You answer my questions, and I will keep your identities safe."

In a split second, 3 knives were pointed at The Mastermind. Two were grazing her neck which was from Beast anf Fanatic, and one was pointed directly at her gold mask which was The Devil. The Henchman stood her ground, but was also prepared as she held on her twin pistols. She trusted her Master's plan.

"You dare speak of nonsense, Mastermind?"

"You, among all people, knows that I never speak about nonsense, Fanatic."

The knives on her neck pierced her skin much more, and a small trickle of blood flowed out. Still, she signalled The Henchman to calm down and stand her ground. Her plan was going well.

"I will kill you."

"Ah, fear, a villain's most powerful weapon. Beast, I hate to break the news, but death threats are something I eat for breakfast."

The Devil chuckled, startling almost everyone inside the room except the planner herself. The Mastermind knew she had hit a spot, and even the country's number 1 villain would have to surrender a bit for this matter. The Devil wasn't stupid, and wasn't prideful— that's what makes her more dangerous than the others. Pride wasn't her weakness.

"Mastermind, we have a deal."

"A smart decision, Devil."

The Mastermind clapped her hands, and then gestured The Henchman to take the knife from The Devil. One down, two to go.

"I don't know what The Devil is up to, but I'm certainly not falling for your bullshit."

"Beast, who would've thought that a random dancer is the country's top 3 villain—"

"Shut your mouth!"

"I suggest you let go of that knife, Beast. You too, Fanatic."

The Henchman aimed her twin pistols at the two, not able to contain her anger as the two villains wounded her master.

"The Fanatic, ah, you have a wonderful disguise. A kind, rich girl..."

"... you do know we can destroy you, right?"

"I know. But I also know you won't. This is risky for me as it is to you. Choose wisely, Beast and Fanatic."

And the knives were dropped. The deal has begun. The Mastermind took the towel from The Henchman and wiped the blood off her neck, before ushering everyone to sit back down.

"Very well. Sit down, my master will now reveal the important news."

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