zeenunew , maxnat kidnapped.

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Nunew: I love more than anything hia.

Zee: I love you to , will you marry me?

Nunew: yes!

P'off: cut!!!! Good job everyone that's it for today.

Zee: nunew do u want me to drive u home today?

Nunew: it's ok hia , I don't want to cause you any trouble. Nunew says smiling.

Zee: u won't be causing any trouble , don't worry. Zee says rubbing nunews arm.

Nunew: ok thx hia. Nunew says smiling.

Max and Nat joins zee and nunews conversation.

Max: what are you guys talking about over here? Max says smiling.

Nunew: nothing hia just wanted to know if I needed a ride home.

Nat: nunew , are you excited for tonight's event? Nat says excited and smiling.

Nunew: yes , I can't wait to meet all the fans.

Nat: me too , oh who are you riding with to the event?

Nunew: hia offered me a ride earlier. Are you riding with max?

Nat: krub ( krub means yes).

Nunew: ok I'll see you tonight then. Nunew says smiling

Nat and nunew hug goodbye.

Nat: bye see you tonight.

Skip to 2 hours later.....

Zee and nunew just arrived at the event.
The are looking around to see if they see max or Nat anywhere.

Nunew: oh I see Nat he's over there talking to max.

Nunew runs over to Nat and hugs him.

Nunew: hi Nat!! Nunews says smiling.

Nat: hi new!! Nat says excited to see new.

Zee and max are talking about the event and stuff. Same as nunew and Nat.

P'off: ok everyone you have to be on stage in 10 minutes.

Zee: ok thx p'off.

Max: got it. Max says smiling.

They all get on stage and say hi to the fans and   what ever u do at a fan event. Sorry I don't really know what all you do at one so bare with me ok lol.

Nat: max , zee, me and nunew are going to the bathroom real quick.

Max: ok hurry back so we can get home. Max says smiling.

Nat and nunew are in an empty hall space where no one is. Trying to find the bathroom

They see the bathroom and as they go to open the door they feel black bags go over their heads

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They see the bathroom and as they go to open the door they feel black bags go over their heads. Nat drops his phone on the ground.
They try to scream for help but the kinnapers hold their mouth shut. They try to fight back but fail. they get shoved in a black van. Everything goes black for them they pass out.

zeenunew , maxnat . kidnappedWhere stories live. Discover now