zeenunew , maxnat . kidnapped part 2

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Zee and max and p'off meet back after 20 minutes. Everyone has left the event by now.

Zee: any sign of them? Zee says panicking and worried

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Zee: any sign of them? Zee says panicking and worried.

Max: no , what about you p'off? Max says scared and worried about them.

P'off: no, I didn't find them either.

Zee: I think it's time we go to the police. Zee says looking at max

Max: ok let's go then. Max says looking at zee.

P'off: I'll drive.

Back to nunew and Nat.....

Nunew hears the door start to creek open.

Nunew pretends to be asleep.

2 guys come down in black pants and black sweatshirts with Halloween mask on.

Kidnaper1: should we wake them up. Kinaper1 says with a deep voice.

Kidnaper2: let's just leave them asleep for now, we will wake them up when boss gets here. Another man says with a deep dark voice.

They 2 men leave the room.

Nunew: Nat , Nat wake up please. Nunew says trying not to shout so the two men won't come back in the room.

Nats pov.

I begin to open my  eyes. I hear nunew voice trying to wake me up. i look over and see nunew tied up. I try to move but realize I'm tied up to.

Nat: where are we , why are we tied up. Nat says panicking.

Nunew: I don't know all I remember is getting shoved in a van and then we blacked out. And two men came in here and then left.

Nat and nunew try to untie their hands and legs but fail.

Nunew: is there any thing sharp around here.

Nat: there's a stick , but i can't reach it.

Nunew: I don't think a stick would be sharp enough anyway. Nunew says sighing and setting his head back against the wall.

Nat: wait what about ur phone do u still have it on you, try calling max or zee.

Nunew: no I think I might have dropped it or them guys took it.

Nat: I dropped my phone back at the event hopefully max or zee found it, so hopefully they will come looking for us.

The door creaks open..

Nunew and Nat look at each other in fear.

Kidnaper1: oh your finally awake.

Nunew: what do u want from us , just let us go .

Kidnaper1: sorry but no can do. Kidnaper1 says sarcastically.

Nat: what do u want from us!!! Nat says shouting.

zeenunew , maxnat . kidnappedWhere stories live. Discover now