Chapter 11

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DDIISSCCLLAAIIMMEERR:: I do not own Victorious, Dan Schneider does.. well did :((( 
Beck's POV:
'I know.. I overheard something' she says.
'You.. you heard what?' I ask cautiously, scared at what her answer would be. 
She leant in and whisperes, 'I overheard someone talking about you, and how you gave up on that girl you met at the dance. They said that you thought she was too far out of your league and it might ruin your friendship, I didn't catch a name though!' 
'Ohh, okay..' I say, slightly relieved that it wasn't what Cat and I were talking about. 
'Why don't you ask this girl out?' she asks me, 'you searched for her, found her, then gave up.. why?' 
'It's hard to explain..' I say to her. 
'I've got time!' she replies. 
'What if I asked her out and.. she.. rejects me?' I act embarressed, it was the only thing I could come up with.. I thought that if I told her that "this girl" could get hurt by Jade she put the pieces together and figure out that it's herself
'You're Beck Oliver, ANY girl would say yes to you!' Tori says, 'and I know you know that, sooo.. you're lying to me, what's the reaaaaaal reason Becckkk?' she looked at me, waiting for me to tell her. 
'There's no other reason!' I lie, she looked at me suspiciously. 
'Hmm..' she mummbles, 'I will find out your little secret Beckett Oliver!' 
I laugh at her failed attempt of trying to be serious, 'what?' she laughs. 
'Nothing.. nothing!' I say, throwing my hands up in the air. 
She laughs at me, 'Okay, I better get going. Talk later, bye!' 
I watched the angel who I was in love with walk down the hallway and around the corning, waving to me as she turned. I imagined that one day I would be able to call the amazing Tori Vega mine.. until I quickly snapped back to reality, remembering the drama that I was about to go through with Jade. Great.

Cat's POV:
(keeps going onwards from when Jade and Cat were talking in the last chapter, sorry.. it's kinda confusing)
She looked at me and walked away, 'wait up!' I call out across to her while running after her quickly. 
'What Cat!?' she turned around and yelled in my face aggressively. Suddenly Beck turned up, yay! 
'Hey, is everything alright?' he asked us. 
Jade started walking away, but Beck grabbed her arm.
'Why do you think I would hurt Tori?' she quickly said, obviously offended that we would think that.
'So it was you who heard me and Cat talking?' he asked.
'Of course it was!' she snapped back quickly, pulling her arm out of his grip, 'I ask again, why do you think I would hurt Tori?'
'Because I didn't think you liked her, and well.. we used to date!' Beck said nervously. 
'Uhhhh!' Jade groaned, 'How many times do I have to tell you, I do not care who you date! First Meridith, and now Tori! I dont mind, and I promise I will not hurt Tori!'
'Careful it's a trick! I say, stepping in the middle of them. 
'It's not a trick!' Jade says annoyed, 'I have to go now anyway, but ask Tori out I don't care.. honestly!' she looked at both me and Beck and walked away. 
'Still thinkin it's a trick!' I whisper to myself.  

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