Girl x

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I walked to the laundry room with a load of washing I dropped a top I saw the blood stains on the towel from last night I picked the top up and put the towel at the bottom of the pile then in the basket them my aunt walked in.

"Oh are you putting the washing on today"my aunt said "I'm joking give it to me"she took the basket of washing.

I got to school savanna and Mindy was leaning on my locker "move"I said they moved away
"Keep out my way today I have had enough of your jealousy"I said getting my gym things out of my locker "why would we be jealous of you"Mindy said "you tried to delete my article what else would you call that don't take it out on me when you two has no chance of winning"I said I closed my locker and walked away I saw Julie so I walked over to her.

"She is so full of herself"savanna said
"Hang on she got her gym stuff with her which means we know where she is going to be at lunch time in the bathroom getting ready for gym class,she won't be so high and mighty when the entire school sees her scar"Mindy said the both laughed.

Savanna and Mindy walked into the bathrooms they saw angels shoes under the door they both went to the toilet next to angel Mindy was holding the phone,they both looked down at angel self harming as angel was putting a plaster on her arm "what are you doing"savanna said angel looked up in shock Mindy and savanna both looked at each other in shock,angel got up to quickly leave but savanna stopped her "all those marks on your arm why would you do that to yourself?"savanna said
"Shut up"angel said "seriously why would you do something like that"savanna said again "for attention why else"Mindy said "your loving this aren't you finally you got something on me"angel said "I got plenty on you this is just a little cherry on top"Mindy said "I don't understand any of this,do you do it all the time why?"savanna questioned "I don't know I just do"angle said crying Mindy and savanna looked at each other.

Now they were outside "is there no one you can talk to like a counciler or a help line"savanna said to angel "I'm not sure"angle said "you are going to keep this to yourself aren't you"angle spoke again "we won't say anything"savanna said for her and Mindy "some things are best kept a secret"angel said and walked away.

"I think we should say something"Mindy said
"We can't we said we wouldn't"savanna looked up "but we didn't say we wouldn't write about it think about it savanna it would be a Brilliant article if your hard hitting someone would want to read especially when it's about some one they know you should do it"
"If it wins every one will know what angel has been doing to herself"
"So what you have been looking for the perfect story and here it is".


I woke up I felt this feeling to do it again I got my kit out and I did it I put some tissue on it then a knock on the door I jumped in my bed and covered my arm up with the covers I threw the kit under my bed "come in"I said "good morning angel"my aunt said opening my blinds "you're going to be late for school"she said I nodded she the walked out.

Today they announced the winner for the article angle saw the ducks and then she walked to class guy wasn't in this class Mindy and savanna was though are teacher walked in with a brown envelope "now I know you're all dying to know who the winner is so we will get straight to it now the judging panel read all the articles this morning,he said they were all brilliant however they can only be one winner so that person is savanna Blake"the teacher said everyone clapped at savanna "well done savanna now I haven't got to read your article yet but I'm going to read out a short text for everyone,she sits in at the back of your classroom walks pass you through the corridors of Eden hall her head bowed,sleeves pulled down as far as they can go,she doesn't want you to see her,she doesn't want you to know her secret,she can't remember the last time she smiled and really meant it she can't imagine never feeling this way,and under those sleeves her arms are itched with scares because hurting herself is how she gets through it,who is it she could be your sister,your daughter,you but for now we will just call her girl x,I think that is enough for now,please head off to your next class,go on"the teacher said angel knew who that article was written for she took her things and left the room in silence so did the rest of the class, angel went to the bathroom and got her kit out from her school bag but she heard someone.


Hi everyone this one is a not so happy chapter and savanna wasn't she angels friends.

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