Chapter XX (Resolve)

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The Nohrians have cost you much over your years of service. Felicia is the latest in a slew of reminders. While she escaped with her life, she will forever have to endure living with one working eye. You might not be to blame for her terrible tragedy, but if you'd been faster things might have ended differently.

There's innocent blood on your hands - through your failure get stronger.

One road waits ahead of you now. The Hoshidan road. The road of justice. With the Light Dragon as witness, you'll find Camilla and make her pay for what she's done. The arts of battle are all you know: they're all you have. With them, you'll change the tides of fate for the better. Doing so is best way to set yourself aside from these savage Nohrians and prove everything they aren't. Even if some of their indulgent ways carry a certain allure.

Indeed, only through the Light Dragon's teachings will the just prevail. The Nohirans think brutality will win wars. They're wrong.

It's why you're still awake while the rest of camp slumbers. The journey to the Ice Tribe Village will be a long one. Threats might lurk around any corner. You have to stand prepared for any eventuality. As the one who will lead the vanguard in their coming mission, it is your task and yours alone.

You're reminded of a song as you train - a melody sung by minstrels since a time before you were born. In times of hardship, it has acted as your guiding light. Tonight is no different. It is the ballad of everything it means to be Hoshidan. A song you've heard Corrin hum many times in your company.

'In the white light, a hand reaches through. A double-edged blade cuts your heart in two. Waking dreams fade away, embrace the brand new day. Sing with me a song of birthrights and love. The light scatters to the sky above. Dawn breaks through the gloom, white as a bone - Lost in thoughts all alone.'

A new dawn will break once Corrin's Norhian family are defeated.

A battle cry falling from you, you slice the air asunder with your katana. Beads of sweat crawl down your forehead, and the heart in your chest hammers at a frantic pace in a bid to keep you standing. Your legs also burn under the strain of this intense training, but you'll not slow the pace until you're done. A samurai doesn't surrender in the face of challenges. They face obstacles with pride and diligence.

"Just another-" You inhale a mouthful of much-needed air, and breathe out. "Just another set of drills."

Your voice echoes across the secluded and grassy hillside near Macarath. Lush nature and chirping insects both invigorate your exhausted senses. A cloudless midnight sky and a beautiful full moon push you onward where most would give up in a bid for respite.

This is your domain - a secret tucked away from all who would interfere. You have Flora to thank for showing it to you the other night.

Footfalls over the grass behind send a warning wave of adrenaline coursing through your veins. You hold fast in a firm defensive stance. It could be a passing animal: maybe a pack of wolves. Whatever the case, you'll take no chances.

"Who's there?" You swing around and hold your steel outward in warning. "Show yourself. Step out nice and slowly."

The voice of a woman follows, one you would remember anywhere, "Lower your sword, Keiji. It's me."

Relief washing over you, you lower your sword and sheathe it. "Hana, it's you."

"Yep, it's my, silly," the girl clarifies as she steps into your vision. "I followed you," she reveals you with a mischievous chuckle. "You've never been subtle."

The lady warrior adorns the long overcoat this night. Striking elements of pink and blue accent it instead of the usual pristine white. A scrap of cloth is tied around her head too, an old days-gone warrior tradition. Lastly, thick woollen socks and plain wooden sandals cover her feet.

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