Chapter XXXI (Reflection)

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Today is a memorable day. You've finally done what you couldn't years ago. You saved a village of innocents from misery. Better still was Elena's 'reward' for your part in helping liberate the village. Several kisses more from the lassie while travelling back from Redshire made the journey sweeter indeed. You sensed her intentions were more playful than romantic, but it didn't stop Charlotte from levelling the occasional scowl at you.

Better still, the camp cooks rustled up a large dinner from their provisions for all of Camilla's number; a reward for the victory. Such things resonate fondly with you, given that victory and the honor it brings are their own rewards in your native Hoshido. You'll be damned if hearty wheat bread and Nohrian goat's cheese aren't growing on you the more you try them, too. Even if they are exceedingly heavy.

You expected to rest after your dinner. It seemed Camilla had others plans, however.

Selena requested you join the princess in her tent before the day's end. So she might chat with you, it was explained. Where the more cautious side of you expected ill tidings, you were pleasantly surprised to find tea waiting upon your arrival. Not just any tea, either. Hoshidan green tea prepared in a fine pot with little cups andserved on a silver tray.

"Anything else, Milady?" asks the maid responsible for the fine display with a bow. Standing in the entryway to Camilla's tent, she's darn pleased with herself.

"No, that will be all dear," replies the royal with a shake of the head. "You may do what you will for the evening."

The servant stands tall and nods. "But of course, Milady Camilla. A pleasure to be of service to you, as always." She then turns to leave, but not before glancing back for a second and batting her lashes at you. "And do enjoy your tea, Mister Keiji."

"I will, thank you," you reply with a grateful smile. The maid blushes and fans herself before stepping out.

Doubtless, a Hoshidan swordsman (and an unchained one at that) is a change of pace for some.

Camilla sits across from you with the tea set laid out neatly at the table's center. A cup in hand, she sips the steaming liquid and sighs with satisfaction. "Tell me, Keiji," she begins, her eyes glinting with curiosity, "did your visits to Bleakvale and Redshire widen your horizons somewhat?"

You'd be lying if you said they hadn't. "More than you know, Princess."

"Wonderful." Camilla smiles and sets down her teacup upon its fine saucer. She slides back the finery to the table's centre. Placing her elbows where the teacup was moments before, she rests her chin in her hands. "And I trust your time among our number has enlightened you as to our goal?"

At first, you were unsure as to the reasons behind Camilla's actions. You still are regarding her needing Corrin, in truth. However, your visits to the two Nohrian townships have enlightened you somewhat as to the highborn's goals.

"The soldiers here strive to ease the suffering of innocent's amidst this war; the beaten and downtrodden left vulnerable while conflict rages. What's more, these men and women are your faithful, or so Charlotte said in Redshire. They answer to your father in name only; their loyalties are yours to command." You smirk, content with the deduction. "I'm correct so far, am I not?"

"Indeed you are, my dear Hoshidan," Camilla hums with satisfaction, smiling. "And furthermore, I am told by Charlotte and Elena that you take to our cause with both heart and diligence." The royal narrows her eyes knowingly. "As I knew you would, given your past."

You look downward to cup of tea and gaze upon your reflection in the drink's surface. Smiling thinly, you stir it away with a spoon and exhale. Being tactful about your past (especially if Flora has revealed much to Camilla) is largely useless at this point.

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