future leaders

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jaidens pov

The Blue Army is a group. A group that's only goal is to rule the world. My dad runs it and I automatically was also placed in the army too. But lately I've been thinking, do I really wanna be apart of this?

"Enter." I heard from behind the door. I walked into an office that had dark lighting but blue walls. I look up to face my dad.

"Jaiden, what did I tell you about your hair?" He pointed out. Shit.

"Right. I'm sorry." I apologized and reached my hand towards my pocket to get my hair tie.

"Do it after we're done talking." Dad stopped. I quietly nodded. He spoke.

"When I die, you will immediately become Blue Leader. You understand?" He said. I nodded, still quiet.

"We're planning an attack at the Red Army base tomorrow. Your only goal when we get there is to kill Red Leaders son, you got that?" Dad explained.

"Yes, sir." I fidgeted with my hands behind my back.

"Then your free to go." My dad dismissed me. I turn around and put my hand on the door handle.

"Your hair." My dad reminded me. I roll my eyes and scoff once the door was completely shut.

"Bitch." I mumble, tying my hair.

tords pov

"Tord." I heard from behind me. Jesus, I wonder what this bastard wants now. I roll my eyes and continue shooting at the fake human shaped targets.

"Yes, father?" I mumble, with annoyance in my voice.

"You don't speak to your leader like that." He said with such a stern voice. I just glance at him and looked back at my target. My dad then grabs my gun and shoots it literally inches away from my face. It caused me to jump a bit. I looked in awe as a fresh hole was made on the target.

"You still have lots of work to do, Tord." My dad said. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding in.

"Don't do anything stupid. You're the next Red Leader so act like it." He said before shutting the door behind him.

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