Parker pov
"Hey Jennie! We'll come over soon, maybe at 7:00?"
'She seemed like a really nice girl. Like Whatever,'
I sent the Email and put my laptop on my desk. I started thinking about Chester.
'wait..CHESTER?!' 'No. Your straight Parker,nothing else.'
I wanted to go see him so badly, so I did. I walked into his room but he was asleep...
'Maybe I could go in the bed with him-' 'no.'
'why am I thinking about this! Jennie needs you.'
'although you haven't even met her yet..'
I looked at the time and...oh shit! its 6:00! Well, better wake up Chester...
I walked to his room to wake him up.
"Hey,Chester it's 6:00 we gotta go to Jennie's house."
"...yes." I didn't noticed but I started blushing a bunch.
"Hey, Parker your face is really red. Are you okay?"
"Oh- uh- Yea! Yea Im fine."
I walked out of his bedroom and started getting ready. I was exited, to see her.
really exited.