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"Triplets? What like the Sturniolo Triplets??" Sydney laughed.

"Them you are always watching? Yeah, just like them! W-what were their names again?" I laughed.

"Uhh Nick, Matt and the hottest one.. Chris!" She said sarcastically.

"Wow they have the same name as them too!" I said

My sister stopped eating and stood up.
I looked up at her confused, why she looked so mad.



"Hey language!" My mom shouted from the living room.

"Sorry Syd, I didn't recognize them" I laughed at her and kept on eating my food.

"This is not fucking funny!"

"Yeah yeah" I tried not to laugh.

"They live two houses away, you can knock" I continued.

"Two! Two houses?!"

I nodded.

Sydney ran to her room, probably to tell her friends what has happened or to plan how she is going to break in to their house like a fucking stalker.

After i ate I went to my room. I lied on the bed and went on my phone. After watching tiktoks it got really late but I wasnt tired, wich was weird. I woke up really earlie, sat in the car for 4 hours and packed up for another 5 hours.

I decided to look at youtube, the triplets specifically. I wanted to see their youtube, cause I havent before. Just see what they are all about.


I woke up the next day with my phone laying on my chest. I must have slept while watching The Sturniolo triplets.
I started to watch one video, and then there was another one, and so on.

My phone was dead so I put the charger in. I stood up and stretched really good.

I walked down the stairs to see my sister sitting by the counter eating a toast while watching something on her phone.

"Morning" I said.

"Its fucking lunchtime" she replied.

"Woow language!"

I took out some stuff from the fridge and made myself breakfast. It is lunchtime, so?

After breakfast I got ready. Today I needed to go shopping. Stuff for my room, stuff for school and stuff for at home. Food and stuff.

I took a shower and did my skin scare and make up. I then put my clothes on and was about leave.




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