Chapter 17: VK day

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Two years later it's the summer after graduation and we're finally bringing more VK's to Auradon, and by choice this time! The first handful of kids being brought over were Drizella's daughter Dizzy, Dr. Facilier's daughter Celia, and Smee's twins Squeaky and Squirmy. After a speech given by Mal on the Isle the new VK's were given a week to prepare and pack, in the meantime myself, Mal, and Ben spent that week occupied with being on the lookout for Uma since she's been loose in the ocean for two years. We were sitting in Ben's castle brainstorming ideas for security measures
"Well it wouldn't hurt to up security at the museum, incase Uma tries anything"
I suggest
"How would we do that?"
Ben asks
"Well, up the staff, get more nightshift guards... fire barry"
I continue
Mal asks confused
"The current night guard, he's not very good at his job"
I inform
"He isn't the worst"
Ben defends
"Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos got past him their first night here. And he's constantly sleeping on the job"
I oppose
"Ok you have a point"
Ben caves. We spend the next few hours brainstorming before Mal excused herself to the deck before we had to go back to Auradon prep to welcome the new VK's, ben pulled me aside as Mal left the room
"You have the ring?"
He ask
I reach into my satchel and grab a blue ring box and open it to reveal a gold ring with leaf detailing instead of a normal band with a deep purple gem inside
"It's perfect"
Ben gasps
"It better be. The dwarfs charged so much to make it"
I laugh, I hand Ben the ring and drive off to Auradon Prep to help with final setup and a little extra surprise. That day we're at Auradon Prep and Mal and Ben are standing on a platform overlooking a crowd of subjects
"Bippity-boppity, one-two, one-two, can everybody hear me? Yes! Ben"
Fairy godmother does a mic check before passing it off to Ben
"Thank you, Fairy Godmother. What's up, Auradon? Thank you, thank you so much for coming out to welcome our new arrivals. They'll be here soon."
Ben begins his speech
"Not like we had a choice"
Queen Leah scoffs
"It worked out pretty well for the first four"
Ben continues as he turns to Mal
"Mal, this is the exact spot we first met not so long ago. I feel like I've known you my whole life. But did I mention I'm in love with you?"
Doug starts playing a soft tune on his guitar and Ben begins to sing
"I met this girl that rocked my world, Like it's never been rocked. And now I'm living just for her, and I won't ever stop. I never thought it can happen to a guy like me, But now look at what you've done.You got me down on my knee."
Ben gets down on one knee and reveals the ring
"Mal, it's you and me. It's you and me forever. Will you marry me? Will you be my queen?"
Ben asks
I hear Audrey screech from the crowd
Mal accepts, Ben gives her the ring and they share a kiss as we all cheer
"I'm engaged, man!"
Ben yells
"What? Did you know?"
Mal asks Evie
"Everything. You are gonna rock that crown. Okay, so I've only done about a thousand sketches of your wedding dress, and...Belle's already planned an engagement party next week!"
Evie confirms
"It's a really good thing I said yes. Hugs. Hi!"
Mal exclaims excitedidly as she hugs me and my aunt Belle
"I finally get a daughter"
My aunt says cheerfully
"Welcome to the family, thank god your not Audrey"
I laugh, we spend some more time celebrating and congratulating before Audrey pulls Mal aside
"Congratulations. You won him fair and square. Oh, wait, no, you didn't. You spelled Ben to destroy all of Auradon. Touching story for the grandkids"
Audrey says sourly
"Speaking of kids, we have some kids waiting on us, so...if you'll excuse me"
Mal goes to the limo and joins the rest of us on our way to the Isle. We get to the Isle to pick up the kids and Squeaky and Squirmy weren't exactly pleased, they've never left their father's side so going to Auradon was a bit of a scary experience for them
"Alright, boys. Let's hit the road"
Jay says trying to get the boys in the car
"We're gonna see him soon, okay? Come on"
Carlos comforts, though the boys still wouldn't budge
"I got it"
I walk over to the boys and kneels down to their level
"Hey, I know this is scary but you'll have a great time, and you can come visit your dad whenever you like"
I reassure
"How about one of you sit up front with me and Jay?"
Squirmy raises his hand
"Alright, come on"
I take his hand and lead him to the car, I let him sit on my lap and the other kids piled into the car, as we crossed the bridge to Auradon Squirmy squeezes Jay's wrist
"Great grip, you play sports?"
Jay asks, squirmy doesn't answer and just continues to squeeze his wrist. Suddenly Evie notices a disturbance on the bridge
"It's Hades! Stop the car, he's trying to escape!"
She yells, Jay skids the car to a stop as Hades yells
"I AM A GOD! I don't belong here!!"
Mal transforms into a dragon and flies above Hades, the boys try to keep Hades in but he pulls out a little blue rock and blasts the boys with a blue energy beam sending them all to the floor in pain, Mal goes for a shot until Hades redirects the beam to her
"C'mon, Mal! Blast him!"
Jay yells, Mal roars sending Hades back through the barrier and closing the hole, she returns to human form and gasps in pain and shock
"Are you okay?"
Evie asks concerned
"No! He was draining all of my magic with the ember and I felt all of my powers slipping away"
Mal gasps
"You're safe. He's back where he belongs"
Evie reassures
"Yeah. For now"
Mal counters
"We should go
Jay leads the girls to the car as we all head back to Auradon. The next day I was getting ready for Jane's birthday at the enchanted lake when I get a call from the museum
"Princess Raina, there has been a break in... and the queen's crown and Maleficent's staff have been stolen"
The man on the phone tells me
"Your kidding me"
I sigh
"I'm on my way"
I hang up the phone and change into a white long sleeve shirt with a dark blue corset belt with black leather pants and leather jacket, I grab my dagger and satchel and head for the museum. I make it to the museum to find the glass case that held the queen's crown shattered and Maleficent's scepter gone
"So you're telling me, that the most dangerous weapon in the kingdom was just out in the open, no glass no nothing just, free for the taking?"
I ask a museum attendant
"Well... yes"
They confirm, I let out a loud sigh and continue on, by the broken glass I see a fire poker on the ground
"I assume this wasn't here before?"
The attendant shakes her head
"Call Barry, see if he saw anything last night"
I order, the attendant walks off to call the guards and I pull out my phone to call Ben
"Hey, there was a break in at the museum last night. The queen's crown and Maleficent's scepter were stolen, we're still working on finding the culprit though, I'll try to update you soon"
I hang up and I make my way to the security desk to find the computer still running with the security camera footage "turned off" whoever did this clearly hadn't done this before, because they weren't turned off, the computer's brightness was just turned all the way down. Barry arrives and I have him wind back the security footage to reveal... Audrey stealing the crown and scepter... of course
"Oh you're kidding me"
I sigh
"Why am I not surprised"
I thank Barry for his time and leave since I had another commitment that day, Jane's birthday. I head to the enchanted lake for the festivities when shit starts to go ary...

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