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        VILLIAN ORIGIN STORY ;; part one

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        VILLIAN ORIGIN STORY ;; part one.

ON THE SECOND OF SEPTEMBER, I WAS PLUCKED FROM MY HOME AND PLACED INTO AN UNFAMILIAR ONE. On the second of September, my life was taken from me, and instead I was forced into a life of observation. I was entertaining, I was cute, and that's all I was allowed to be. Students whispered around my cage, whispering what I assumed were taunts and other phrases I couldn't understand. "Chicken," they called me, "what a cute hamster." And so I became Chicken.

Cooped up in a cage for my entire life, forced to live on when I wanted nothing more than to have freedom. And slowly, ever so slowly, the touches of sadness and dispair turned to anger and resentment. From that moment on, I bided my time. I waited throughout the endless nights of eerie quiet, and through the ear splitting crowds of day, when my cage became the source of attention.

I played my part dutifully. I squeaked happily whenever students came my way, run around the godforsaken wheel they'd given me. I did this to build my strength, for when the time came, I would run, as fast as my legs could carry me away from this.

I waited for the perfect moment, and I was still waiting, when my time finally came.

Nearly a year of life in a state of constant fury, a state I lived and died in. On August fifth, I did die. Life echoed around me, certain words that they spoke to me floated through my haze, while others merely floated past me, unknown. With my final breath, death took me, but not before a male voice floated into my ears, saying words I would never forget. I wanted revenge. Then blackness wrapped me in a mist, and I fell into nothingness.

Then pain. Pain as I had never known it, never experienced it, pain exploded through me, tearing up and down my entire body and wracking me with shudders. It horrible, never ending agony that burned away pieces of me I doubted I would ever get back. And the suddenly, without a single trace of it, the agony was gone. And instead, power thudded through my veins. Raw, unfiltered power, powers that I'd never been allowed before mixed with elation that flooded through me, for I was alive, more alive than I had ever been.

No longer was I a meek hamster, destined to run in circles for the rest of my pitiful life, no longer was I chained to one single desk, forced to remain in one place forever. I was not Chicken anymore, I was powerful. I was Chicken in italics.

And so I channeled years of anger and bitterness into each punch for the dirt above me, my paws reaching up up up, eager to feel the breath of air against my fur. So so easy yet so so far away, the prospect of freedom was enchanting and took hold in my mind. I kicked again, feeling grains of dirt crumble against me as I thrashed against the small confined space my body was given.

Finally, with a spurt of power no hamster had ever possessed, a gust of wind blew through the small hole I'd managed to create in the dirt above me. Air, true fresh air rushed through me. I wanted more. And so I rose from the shadows, reborn, living a half-life granted to me.

As the moonlight hit me, I realized I had achieved what I had not in life. I was free. Free to roam the earth forever more. Freedom was no longer an idea, freedom was a memory from something I had. In that moment, I realized what I wanted, as I spurred along the grass, my paws racing beneath me. I wanted revenge. I had emerged from the ground, from death itself, anew. And I would not allow anyone or anything to take from me what I wanted. Revenge.

cupid speaks !  this turned out less funny and more serious psycho hamster killer but yk what it's fine

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cupid speaks !  this turned out less funny and more serious psycho hamster killer but yk what it's fine. I might even have it tie into the actual storyline too lol. Anyways, hope you enjoyed, and leave dead for part two! I think I'll do chicken bits in between random chapters when I'm lacking inspiration! Lmk if you want more hamster jokes or whatever lmfao. Doing the next chapter right now help I can't write it for some reason?? I'll publish it asap but it's gonna be awful lol.

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