My name is...

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                    Khadi's P.O.V
As i'm about to tell these quite
ugly lions my name i here the cackling of heyenas and it's no other than the same heyenas who had the audacity to still my hunt "Your those pest who stole my hunt",i say when i see them here on this big rock that i some how mange to jump up on "Your that same white lion that was trying to steal our hunt" the ugly thing says "You guys saw this lion hunting on our territory" the lion with sickly green eyes says who apparently name is 'Scar' must be cause of the scar on his eye "yeah we did scar but when the whole gang showed up because someone passed on the news that there had been more dead animals then usual" another 'special' looking one said to Scar "Well then since that's been solved i have to go it was 'nice' meeting you scar but i have to go -" but then i got cut off by Scar himself "Wait now here what the information the heyenas have given me it sounds like you're a good hunter am i right?" Scar says looking intrigued by my natural hunting skills as my friends with were other female lions that were in my hunting squad in my old pride "Yes... i was know as the best hunter back in my old 'pride'" i said cautiously "Well then why don't you join my pride and work with my mate Zira hunting squad" he says, smiling sickly but his 'mate' as you would say is not let me put this in a nice way not happy with this idea that Scar had proposed "What!? no this will not happen Scar she hunted on our lands i will not work with this.. this mistake of a lion!" , that moment i just couldn't hold it in anymore i started sobbing ran right back were i came from ,but while i wasn't looking were i was going or as you could say crying/breaking down i ran into something that very hard but also very soft but when i looked and saw that it was a...

Hi guys i thank you for reading my story and sorry i didn't post for a while i was a little busy with school but have a good/day/afternoon/night~Author-chab

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