You're the prince!?

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      Kahadi POV
As i was walking away from this who i had learned that his name was,Simba and for some reason i have this... feeling like we should be friends and this shocked me to since i had never talked to someone this much except my parents that were well that's a story for another day,but as i was walking away from Simba laughing at this so called funny look on my face.Something out of the shadows pops out and pounces on Simba and as i get ready to turn pounce right on this thing that had just ambushed my new found friend i see.. him laughing and smiling at this as i turn around all the way to see that it is a female lioness who looks at him with just as confused eyes as i have right now,who is this girl?,and how does she know Simba?. But then all my questions are answered as if my mind was being read by Simba and this new lioness there selfs,"Ah, Kahadi this Nala,Nala this is Kahadi by new companion?",he says chuckling nervously as if i was going to react badly or something but now i see why he so nervous all of a second because what this Nala girl says really hits home for me "Well Kahadi i have a question why is your coat so...weird looking?". Replies Nala with a look of uncertainty about me and my coat Wich i took good care of over the years,so saying that about me Infront of my face and we just met makes me want to...cry a little bit...,"Well i-um i-uh"at that moment for some reason i was lost of words i know i shouldn't be so sensitive about things like this as my mother would say but my coat color is something i take pride in so being told that it's weird is not the best thing in the world,so like i did what first came to mind i ran far and very far at that but as i was running i wasn't looking where i was going but next thing i knew i was crashing into something very hard and when i looked up i saw...

Hi guys hoped you liked this chapter and sorry if you like Nala but i promise she is going to be nicer latter on but have a nice day/afternoon/night~

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