~First meeting~

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Walking into the fairly large dining room, my eyes immediately turned toward the massive turkey on the table. Around the table are quite a few people, some avengers and some people I've never met. My eyes turn towards a particular stranger sitting between Thor and Iron Man. This man was different, I thought to myself.

With black hair just grazing the top of his shoulder, a golden crown with horns coming out of it, and a look on his face that clearly reads 'I don't want to be here.' I sit next to Peter, who is busy wolfing down a massive turkey leg. The conversation starts up, first quiet, then getting louder.

Both I and the strange man sitting across from me aren't talking. So, you decide to make a move.

"So, what brings you here? You aren't an Avenger, are you?" I ask. Rolling his eyes, he leans towards you and says one word.


"O-oh, that's a nice name. I'm Y/n." We look at each other for a split second, then Loki breaks the silence asking if I can pass the massive bowl of green beans. I do. 

After dinner, I'm walking back up to the guest room I'm staying in for a while, on my phone. Downstairs, the party's loud, with Thor serving up drinks. I look back up from my phone and realize I've taken a wrong turn. I'm standing outside a door. I think about it for a while, then decide to take a peek through a crack in the door. Inside, is that man I met earlier, Loki. He's... more attractive than I thought. I'm leaning against the door, peeking in on the truly handsome man when all of a sudden, the door opens and I'm suddenly on the ground. That door made a very loud noise. I look up, hoping he didn't hear. I'm not so lucky.

"You scrawny, puny mortal," Loki said as he stood over me. 

"Breaking into my throne room on a Saturday? Really. I'm impressed," he winked. My face turned a visible red, and he noticed. 

"Blushing, are we mortal?" He lifted me up and pushed me against the wall, moving closer to me. I stuttered and couldn't let out a single word. Just when he was close enough to kiss, he spun away, dropping me back on the floor

"Mighty gods like I don't get flustered, so I suggest you don't try, darling," He said, smirking back at me."

I get up off the floor and run back to my room, thinking about what just happened. It was foolish of me to get so flustered. He's just toying with my emotions, I know it. But why on earth is it working?

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