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Wow, this story has gotten a lot more reads than I expected. Thanks, everyone! I'm finally writing another chapter, it'll be a good one.

Get ready for some angst.

After what happened in the shower, you weren't sure if Loki could see you the same way. You were supposed to be working together, living together, and working with other Avengers. The shower incident would only make it more awkward. And apparently, so would Thor.

It was 5 in the morning when a loud pounding came from your bedroom door. Your eyes fluttered open slowly and a chill ran down your back when you felt a warmth against your body. You rolled over and were met with a sleeping Loki. He looked so peaceful there. Reaching out to place a gentle kiss on his lips, you were stopped by another loud knock on your door. Throwing on a bathrobe, you opened the door a crack to be met with a large face pressed against your door. 

"Thor, what the hell are you doing here? Is there anything you need?"

He smiled and loudly spoke

"Hello y/n!! Where is Loki? He is late for a meeting that was supposed to start an hour ago!"

Shit, you thought. That was an important meeting.

"Uh, he's not in here, not sure why you would think that. I'll look for him and send him down if I find him."

You closed the door and proceeded to shake Loki awake, yelling in his ear about the meeting. He woke up, seemingly very angry.

"Y/n, I was sleeping. Do not wake me up when I am asleep."

"I'm sorry Loki, you're late for that important meeting, I wanted to tell you!" 

He jumped out of bed and quickly put on some fancy clothes, then stole your brush, ran into the bathroom, and began tenderly brushing his hair while talking.

"Why didn't you wake me earlier? What did I miss?"

"I only now woke up, I think it was supposed to start an hour ago but they're waiting for you."

Cursing in Asgardian, Loki walked out of your room quickly, slamming the door behind him. You sat on the bed and brought your knees to your chest. A part of you knew you shouldn't get too attached to him, as you would just end up being heartbroken. A part of you loved him.

It was 12:50 when Loki finally emerged from the meeting hall. You were eating cereal for lunch when he came into the kitchen and began cutting a grapefruit. 

"How did the meeting go," you asked. He didn't respond. Sprinkling sugar on his grapefruit, he walked away, not saying a single word. This went on for a day. You never managed to catch him alone, and whenever you did he would simply walk away.

There was one time however, you cornered him. 

"What the hell? You fuck me then never talk to me again? What's wrong with you? My gods, I should never have fallen for you."

Loki froze in place. He seemed confused and didn't know what to say. You pulled him into a kiss but he pushed away. 

"I'm sorry y/n. This can't continue. We can't be together. I have to leave on a mission for a while, and I don't want to have anything attached to me."

You knew he was lying. Something was up. But you shrugged it off and turned your back. 

"I'm truly sorry y/n."

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