chapter 12: My midnight roses

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"So what these have just been showing up for the past couple weeks?" Bell asked holding up a white rose.

"Yeah I didn't notice till I saw three of them just sitting outside my window. I didn't think anything of it and took them inside because they're pretty but then I noticed another one outside my window again the next morning and every morning after."

"I don't know if that's creepy or cute."

"I'm not sure what to think either."

"There's no card or anything?"

I shook my head.

"You really don't have any idea of who could be doing this?"

"Nope. My guess is someones messing with me or someone has a big crush on me."

"How many have you gotten?"

"Including that one I've gotten 17."

"We should try and catch whoever is doing this."

"Just stay up all night and see if he or she shows up?"

"Exactly. I'll come over after school we can have a sleep over!"

"Better get some coffee."

"Yes, hopefully this guy shows up at a reasonable time otherwise school's gonna suck more than it already does."

"Alright see you after class." I said and walking off.

I made it into Math class and sat down.

"Hey kitten."

Oh how I loathe that voice. I turned a glared at the pathetic boy named Josh.

"Wow so hostile." He got really close to my face. "This playing hard to get is really getting old."

"Josh I filed against you I'm not playing hard to get, now get away from me."

"The judge said I was innocent and now you're known as the crazy bitch who falsely accused an innocent man."

"Boy, Josh you're a boy, a man wouldn't have done those things in the first place and I don't know how you manage to convince the judge that you're not a total waste of space but if you don't get your disgusting, rat, face away from my gorgeous Evan I'll make sure to give you a new face so bad not even your mother will want to look at you." Bell said standing behind me with her arms folder.

He glared up at her. "If it isn't ugly bitch, crazy bitches lover."

Bell glared at him.

"What? Got jealous Evan was talking to someone actually attractive?"

"If a guy like you qualified for what people call 'attractive' trust me, the earth will be filled with single women."

Josh stared daggers at her and that's when the teacher walked in.

"Josh how many times do I have to tell you, you must stay in your seat and leave Evan alone."

He scoffed and went to his seat on the other side of the room. Thankfully Ms. White knew what happened and did her best to keep him away from me.

"Bellanie shouldn't you be in class?"

"Sorry teach Evan left her notebook just bringing it to her." Bell set my notebook onto my desk and walked out whispering "See you later."

Like usual Josh kept trying to look at me but every time her turned around the teacher would yell at him to look back up front. Wait..what if Josh is the one leaving the roses? I hope not we moved almost immediately after that situation, dad couldn't leave the area but he wanted to make sure Josh didn't know where we lived. He better not be, although him being a stalker wouldn't surprise me.

As soon as class was over I started to leave fast when Josh tried to come over to me.

"Evan I need to talk to you, everyone else dismissed." Ms. White called me up.

Avoiding Josh I walked up to the teachers desk. We waited till everyone was gone.

"You wanted to see me?"

"Not really I'm just I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault and thank you for doing your best to keep Josh away from me."

"I know what Josh did to you and I'm sure you're not the first. I can't punish him or force him to leave since he was ruled innocent, which still makes me so mad." She slammed her hands on the desk making me jump a little.

She sighed. "I guess what I'm saying is I know what it's like to be assaulted and no one believing you, I too was assaulted back in high school a guy in the grade above me he um..well I won't get into it but if you ever need someone to relate too, I'm here and while I am I'll do everything in my power to keep Josh away from you."

"Thank you..I really appreciate it."

She gave me a big smile. "Do you want me to walk you to your next class?"

"I think I'll be okay." I smiled at her and then left.

Bell was in my next class thankfully and I told her about Ms.White.

After school Bell came over, we stopped by the store on the way getting tons of snacks. We went to my house and began to set up. We tied a video camera Bell got when she was eight in the window and aimed it at the ground it wasn't the greatest picture but it's what we had. We then set up chairs facing the window.

Dad called us for dinner and after we ate we went back ready to stay up all night.

"What are you gonna do if it's some crazy dude like Josh? Oh my goodness ewww what if it is Josh?"

"I worried the same thing but I feel like if it was Josh he would've tried to crawl through my window not just leave flowers." I said.

"You got a point , oooh what if Ian's sending them."

I rolled my eyes ever since I told her about him she brings him up and teases me about him every chance she gets.

"Yes after almost two years of no contact Ian somehow found out where I lived and moved clear across the country just to leave me roses every night."

"Maybe there's a shop around here that does nighttime deliveries."

"I know Ian is the leader of a gang and sent some of his gang members to hunt me down and find me which they did but because he can't leave to come here himself he sent a goon here to leave a flower every night to send his undying love for me." I said dramatically clasping my hands together.

"Oh my gosh yes that's exactly what's going on." Bell said and we both started laughing. "But seriously how crazy would it be if it somehow was him!?"

"Bell come on."

"Okay I'll give you a break from Ian, but if it really his him you're going to feel so stupid."

A few hours later we were approaching 11:50 and still nothing.

"Evie I'm getting too tired."

"Me too. Should we just give up and go to bed? I mean he really isn't hurting anyone."

Bell sighed. "I guess. so much for staying up all night."

We started to clean up but and get the bed ready when we heard the bushes shake. We looked at each other and ran to the window.

"See anything?" Bell whispered.

"No. You?"


I opened the window and there it was a perfect white rose sitting outside my window. I looked around trying to see who it was but they were long gone.

"Bell help me get the camera." We pulled the camera down and hit play.

Nothing, nothing, nothing I mentally said fast fore wording the video.

"There!" Bell exclaimed.

I paused the video but sadly all we could see was a black figure. I checked the time on the camera the time said 12 on the dot he came at midnight. The mysterious figure carrying my midnight rose.

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