🌻 xS2:10

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Gulf's POV

Wow daddy house is so nice its small way smaller than the other one but I like this one better everything smells like daddy

There only one problem,....... Everything is black even daddy plates and bowls are black even the sink everything is black

"Daddy must like black" I mumbled to myself not knowing daddy was behind me until he kissed my cheek making my face heat up

"Hm baby I haven't been here for years na we can change something if you'd like I already order more colored things" he said and I smiled nodding my head

Daddy is the best person in the world, for some reason whenever I think that I can imagine P'mild in my head scolding me about giving him love as well

Just the thought made me giggle

"What's funny princess" daddy said now standing in front of me bending down so we were face to face

Daddy was really tall it annoyed me sometimes because I want to hug him and kiss him like he does to me but he's too tall

"Nothing" I pouted at my thoughts making daddy smile even wider as he ruffled with my hair

"Aww then why pouting love we tell daddy everything don't we" he asked and I bit my bottom lip nodding my head immediately

"I just wish... I wish daddy was smaller" I suddenly felt shy and embarrassed this was so stupid, Daddy started laughing making me whine and stomp my foot, so embarrassing

"Aww don't be mad baby your just so adorable na why do you wish for me to be smaller" he asked and I pouted once again

"Because daddy too tall whenever I want to... to.. never mind" I mumbled trying to go away but daddy stop me lifting me up

"Unt un what was it" daddy asked tickling me making me laugh trying to get away from daddy

"Ahhhhahahaha okay ahahah okay hahahaahah j-just hahaha stop it hahahah I-I wants to hahah kiss daddy" daddy suddenly stopped making me hide my face in my hands as he let me down

"Don't be shy after being so bold baby here I'm down now" daddy said before me peak through my eyes to see him leaning down so we were face to face

"Hm don't you want to kiss na" he asked smiling making my face heat up even more

"Daddy is such a tease" I pouted and he chuckled closing his eyes I took advantage and pecked his lips before running upstairs to see everything else ignoring how my whole face and body heated up just because our lips touched

"I love you princess" I heard daddy yell from downstairs before he chuckled

I slowly peaked down seeing him looking up the staircase making me go back

"I love daddy too" I mumbled loudly so he could hear but hear not at the same time

I get really shy whenever he says he loves me it makes me feel giddy and happy because I also love daddy very much

Mew's POV

"I love daddy too" I heard my baby mumble as I saw him peaking out through the staircase making me smile just then the doorbell rung

Going towards the door looking through the peephole first I saw it was the things I ordered from Amazon

Opening the door fully I signed the papers before taking everything closing the door in the man's face just as he wanted to speak

"Daddy what is it" I heard gulf scream as he came down the steps still holding onto Angel tightly

"It's some things I ordered for us" I smiled before lifting up the bowed setting then in the counter before grabbing my box cutter which was inside the mail drawer

Cutting the boxes open I could see gulf trying to stand in a chair I guess trying to get on the counter to help out making me stop him

"I've told you this before princess don't climb on chairs especially these they move what will I do if you get hurt" I scolded trying not to sound angry or as much angry as I was at the moment

"Sorry daddy" he mumbled in a small voice making me sigh

"Your okay love just please don't do that it makes me nervous, I'll have to change the chairs soon" I said lifting go him into the counter he hissed maybe because it was cold and the back of his thighs were touching the counter

"Sorry I forget how cold it was" I lifted him back up holding him with one arm before switching him to my other as I took my jacket off laying it in the counter before placing him back on it

"Better" I asked and he nodded making me smile in relief

I then started to take the food out of the mini coolers they had packed setting the cooler things on the other side which gulf wasn't on

I hummed a song as I began to pack my empty refrigerator and cabinets, just as was pulling more things out I saw the watermelon I bought for gulfie

"Hm eat this until lunch time" I spoke softly opening the container handing it to him along with a fork making him smile and grab it happily

I watched him eat a few pieces before going back to packing a few foods which I bought a couple hours ago we still needed to go to the store but it's okay for today and maybe tomorrow


"Baby today I booked us a dinner reserv-" I stopped talking as I looked at gulf, his hair seemed to be wet and water droplets were dropping down his face as he hit his bottom lip looking guilty and beet red

For fucks sake hold long do you think I can hold on

Maybe a few more seconds I'm dying

Well thanks self control your a lot of help

"S-sorry daddy I-I didn't know" his beautiful brown doe eyes widened as I helped set the sunk handle back connecting it back to its spot

"Y-you're okay baby let's get your changed then we'll leave for lunch you want to stay here or go out" I asked as I lifted his went body up his whole shirt and parts of his shorts were dripping with water, He wrapped his arms around me letting his...

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"Y-you're okay baby let's get your changed then we'll leave for lunch you want to stay here or go out" I asked as I lifted his went body up his whole shirt and parts of his shorts were dripping with water, He wrapped his arms around me letting his legs hang on my sides stuffing his face in my neck

"Stay here" he mumbled cutely making me nod and kiss his wet hair

"It's fine baby it's totally okay it happens" I said trying to cheer him up

He only nodded as I walked upstairs I could feel him hug me tighter snuggling into my neck even more until we were finally in the room

"Okay baby go to the bathroom I'll get some clothes so you can chan-"

"No" he hugged me tighter making me frown

"Then how will you get changed princess" I kissed his forehead feeling him start to shiver from the cold air

"You'll get sick if we don't change soon" I warned and he didn't speak just pulled away from the hug still holding onto me tightly

"I want daddy to help me change"

Fucking hell I think I just came

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