🌻 x10

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3rd person POV

"How is he" tong asked mild who was pacing back and forth

"I don't know he's talking on the phone now" mild said, he knew his brother more than he knew himself and even though gulf had acted as if he didn't care he knew in the inside gulf was heartbroken wearing different clothes, talking different, not being able to do the things he wanted it had to be hard

Tong stayed quiet after that and both waited for gulf to open the room door

After a few minutes gulf opened the door, they could see gulfs eyes were a bit puffy from crying but it wasn't like normally after gulfs dad left and he would cry with mild

"You okay" mild asked and gulf nodded his head

"P-phi said he's coming here s-so we need to hurry up and s-send dad off or he'll t-think phi is disgusting like me" gulf spoke hurriedly and mild frowned deeply as well as tong

"Baby brother why are you speaking like that" mild asked almost scolding gulf

"P-phi please" gulf said and mild glared at him, he'd never been so angry at gulf in his life

"I got him gulf you worry about mild" tong spoke as mild stormed off into his room while hugging making gulf look down and nod his head a bit

Going towards milds door he slowly knocked on it twice not hearing a response he pouted and knocked again but when he didn't hear anything this time he walked inside seeing mild was laying in the bed flat on his back with his arm rested in his face and his other in his stomach

"Phi" he called out as he opened the door but mild ignored him turning away from gulf

"Phi I'm sorry ma but dad-"

"That man is no dad gulfie how many time do I have to say that since the moment you turned 14 and he started to act like that was the moment we both cut him off" mild spoke and gulf pouted again

"But phi he is still our dad he rais-"

"I RAISED US" mild screamed jumping up angrily he sighed "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scream.. I-I should just go" mild said standing up leaving the room making gulf put his head down trying to control his tears

He knew mild was sensitive with this topic raising not only himself but gulf as well was hard for him maybe that's why there so close, they only had each other sometimes there mom was around others she was with there father on business trips so mild took care of both of them

Gulf first came out when he was 18 his father was not happy about it and beat gulf, when mild came home from college seeing his brother bruised state he immediately had the old man sent to the hospital because he had beat him too bad and since then mild hasn't like him not that he did before but now it's like he hates him

Gulf wiped his tears when hearing a knock or the door making him sniffle and go towards it to open it up and he saw it was mew who looked as if he was working

Gulf wiped his tears when hearing a knock or the door making him sniffle and go towards it to open it up and he saw it was mew who looked as if he was working

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"Prince- what are you wearing" mew asked a bit taken aback by gulfs outfit

Gulf stared at mew for a moment, he had really came from his office and fast he looked so concerned that it made gulf tear up

"Phi" he sobbed and mew went inside lifting gulf ip as he did before kissing his damp eyelashes

"Don't cry na" he said holding gulf on his lap as he sat on the bed, mew said mild peek his head in giving mew a small smile which disappeared after a second before he closed the door behind him his heart clinched hearing his brother cries he couldn't help but think that maybe that was his fault

Maybe he shouldn't have yelled at his cute baby brother who was no crying his heart out


"You go ahead to the room first me and Perth have to discuss some things" tong informed making his wife pout while glaring at fluke

"Babe you say that all the time why can't we just go to the room we aren't having a honeymoon so how are we going to have fun together" she asked and tong cleared his throat

"Come on it'll only take a second I'll be right behind you" tong swore and she rolled her eyes

"Fine hurry up" she said getting out slammed the door shut behind her

Fluke had pulled up by his house on the side of the mansion before parking the car looking at tong confused as he crawled into the passenger seat

"What is it" fluke asked his eyes widened a bit when tong got onto his lap comfortably after he pushed the seat back a little so both could fit

"What's the matter love" fluke asked rubbing tongs back as he layed his face into his chest

"This is too hard" tong mumbled pouting a bit with closed eyes as he felt flukes hand go under his shirt rubbing his lower back steadily

"I know" fluke sighed and smiled and tong snuggled lord into him

"I won't be leaving tonight so you can come if you want" fluke said and tong looked up at him immediately with wide excited eyes

"Really" he asked and fluke kissing his cheeks

"Yes baby I already spoke with boss and he said I can stay in tonight" fluke said and chuckled as tong started to cheer and celebrate

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