Midori was cruitsind down the street. "I'm hungery" SHE SAID . so she wwent to bojangels////////. "hi Im'.........chicken sexy tender?" said a chicken sexy tender. "KILL YOUR SELF " said midri as she smacked chicken sexy tender and made him fly.
Then...CHICKE N SEXY DTENDER HIT CAMERA ON IN THE FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "omg......this chicmen on me? aha." said him. "sorry." said midori. chicken sexy tender saw himself out so he's not here anymore. He also molded really bad because he was so many hours old with no fridge, and he died. xxx pussy sex.
"I don't speak german but I can if yuou like oough" said midory because she saw camern and she was wearing a meat dress. "Ok." -Camon. Then they hid under a DIRTY FLOOR TILE that they LIFTED UP and DIVED INTO GROUND INTO. "Hi" they both said at the ssame time. Nobody is racist in this situation it's ok. Thwn midori OPEN CAMERAS ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!cheeks! "sory about the brown spots I was roleplayung loevly peaches haehhehrr" said caeron. Then midori said "I DEMAND YOU DO HER SIGNIATURE TWERK ATTACK." and so caron twerked really hard and grew wings on his cheems. They started flapping as karen was fartin' and caused dirty wind. "umm that stinks like smells like shit." said midriff. "srry, I just can't hold it...I drank biblical angel milk...so many vanilla extracts....sprry...big sharting" said karen. "it's ok I guess, now can I see your tunge" midori.