Drink to forget pt. 2

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Words: 1967
Warnings: sexual activities, mention of alcohol, drugs, swearing, fast/dangerous driving etc..

I rewrote this a few times, I didn't like it nor know how to end it, but I think I did alright. I really didn't have a plan or plot just "omg they made out while drunk! Oh no they actually hate eachother! Actually they're really attracted to each other they just needed a push! Oh my god they don't remember blah blah" you get my point. I'm just blabbering at this point lol. Let me know what you thought! How would you have gone with this idea??

I had scurried downstairs after Steve had called for me a few times. Steve, my sister, Johnathan and Billy were all awake.

Nancy and Johnathan were cuddling on the couch still, Billy was out on the back deck smoking a cigarette, and Steve was sat with me in the kitchen.

"I don't have the heart to tell Johnathan that I fucked Nance on that couch." Steve said glancing over at the cute couple.

"Gross, Harrington I slept on that couch." I scrunched you my nose as he handed me a coffee.

Most of the other guests had left, with just us four as stragglers.

"No. You slept on Hargrove." Steve said correcting me while wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"What gave you that idea?" I asked bewildered.

"The fact that I was the last one to fall asleep and you looked pretty loved up cuddling with each other as you guys passed out." Steve said before sipping his own coffee.

"Fuck out of here." I slammed my mug down.

"Don't shoot the messenger." He said putting his arms in defence, "not when you have a love bite that big on you." He said pointing out my hickey.

"That's not from Billy." I said pulling my shirt up to try and hide the mark.

"And pigs fly." Steve said rolling his eyes at me.

"Shut up." I scowled.

"So...you and Hargrove what's that? A hook up?"

"A very drunk, very high mistake." I snapped quickly to put an end to that thought train.

"What's a very drunk, very high mistake?" Billy's voice called from behind me as I heard the back door shut close.

"Nothing." I said hiding my face in my mug as if I was looking for treasure at the bottom of it.

"Woah. Guess slut is a trait that runs in the family." Billy said eyeing up my hickey I was hoping he wouldn't see or at least ignore.

"Shut your trap." I barked.

"Touchy. Who's the unlucky guy?" Billy asked taking an apple from Steve's fruit bowl.

I refused to play into this narrative and gave him the silent treatment.

"Bitch." Billy whispered loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Dick." I whispered back.

"Jesus fuck." Steve groaned annoyed, "I can't fucking stand being the only man here without something going on. Fuck this. You two made out, hooked up whatever, fuck both of you." Steve said trudging off upstairs refusing to look at us or the couple on the couch.

"I'm sorry we what now Harrington." Billy called after him but received no reply.

"Care to explain?" Billy said snatching my mug from me so I couldn't hide from him in it after a few moments.

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