Jake X Yujin - Break Up

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Jake's POV

My door bell rang, I open the door to see Yujin, sobbing as she was trying her best to explain what happened. I take off my jacket and gently lead her into my apartment, I walk in and set down my shoes while she continues to cry.
I turn around to ask her what's wrong when I catch sight of what she's holding. "Your.. boyfriend broke up with you?" I asked her, which made her cry more. I take her hand and lead her to my couch, sitting down she looks at me and says "It was so sudden, he called me this morning, I guess I said something wrong or maybe it was too much of a fight but.. He said we had to break up." Yujin explained to me as she started to calm down.
We sat there in silence for a minute. Yujin looked over at me and spoke again. "He also told me about how he has been cheating on me with other girls" Yujin says. This catches my attention, but not because it shocked me. I hug her, she held me tighter. "Thank you.. Jake" She wiped her tears and smiled, which made me smile. I stop hugging her and.. it's my chance.. I liked her since I met her, Heesung told me to confess but she was dating someone.. now, she's not! "I like you" I said. "wha-what? you like me?" She was flustered, her ears were redder than a tomato. "Yes! I do" I say smiling and taking her face in my hands, I place a kiss on her lips. I pull back, looking in her eyes I noticed something strange, they looked empty.. she wasn't crying anymore but I still saw sadness in them.. She didn't react, just stared at me. I let go of her face and pulled her close again. "I know we haven't known eachother long but..." Yujin interrupts me. "I want to be yours" She said, her cheeks turning red. I kiss her again, I knew it would happen someday but that didn't make it hurt any less.

Yujin's POV
After kissing Jake, I got out his bed and walked out of his room, closing his door behind me. It took everything inside me not to break down right then and there. Jake liked me... did I like him? I mean.. he kissed me first.. and now we're dating? How could I have been blind?? Why didn't I notice sooner? The only thing on my mind was Jake... He seemed perfect.. but if you asked me who was going to date him first, me or Heesung, I wouldn't even bother telling you. I met up with Jake at diner. We ate and went to my apartment. I felt this feeling, I never felt before. I know it. I love Jake.


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