Kim Seokjin

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Jin: Let's go
He said in his cold voice and I carried my school bag and made my way toward the car. Well, he is my brother Kim Seokjin who is 26 years old, and I am Kim Y/N. I am 16 years old He is a mafia and very cold to me. Our mother was killed by one of his enemies and our father is abroad because of his international meetings. Our parents love both of us so much, and so do we. But the problem is between me and my Mafia Brother. I love him so much but he is so cold towards me, it seems like he doesn't want to love me. He gave me everything that I want but he never gave me his love, not even he speaks sweetly with me. He rarely talks with me and when he does, he speaks in his damn cold voice which hurts me. I am just fed up with his cold behavior but what can I do? Ignore him? No, he will become colder then, I can't risk that. Let's just leave it like it was living before. I can't believe that we are blood-related brother-sister and behaviors like strangers.
I was snapped out of my thoughts when my cold brother said-

Jin: Are you coming or will remain standing till your next birth?

Y/N: Ohh, yes, yes, cominggg.
I said and ran to the car and hopped in. He started driving the car.

----------Time Skip----------

We reached school, I came out of the car and soon I heard his rap- I mean his lecture.

Jin: don't create any trouble at school and study properly. I don't want any complaints from your teachers and also I will come to pick you up, hmmm?

y/n: Ok Oppa, now I will go.
He hummed in response and left from there. I also headed to my first class and sat in my seat. After some time our teacher, Park Jimin came. We all greeted him and he responded with a warm smile.

Jimin: You all can sit down and yesterday's test results are with me.
He said putting a bundle of papers on the teacher's table.

Jimin: keep quiet till I distribute this paper to you all. I will call your name, just come to take your test paper and go to your seat again.
We replied as 'yes' and he started calling students names. I am not even worried about it because I studied hard for this test and I am sure that I will score well.

Jimin: Kim Y/N?
He called my name, I got up from my seat and made my way towards him. He smiled at me and handed me the test paper.

Jimin: Y/N you are really good at studying. This time also you scored full. I am so proud of you.

Y/N: Thank you, Mr. Park, that really means a lot to me.
I said with a small smile on my face. He pats my back and I go back to my seat. I am really very happy but scared too. What if that Mia again did something? Yesterday also she did the same. My hand and legs are still in pain, I don't know what to do.
As I was walking through the hallway someone grabbed my hand and pulled me harshly to an empty classroom and put a hand on my mouth, which stopped me from shouting. I looked at them and it was none other than Mia and her minions. They gave me a disgusted smirk.

Y/N: What do you want from me? Why don't you all let me live peacefully? I haven't done any bad to anyone of you, then why this?

Mia: Shut up and don't talk back to me. You know what, you should die. I don't know how you score full on every test. Aaaahhhh *groaned*, I don't know what type of fucking brain you have?

Now I understand why she always bullies me, it is all because of my beautiful brain. I know that I have such a beautiful and intelligent brain, I have worldwide intelligent brain you know. But then also I never thought that someone will be jealous of my beautiful brain.

Y/N: Are you jealous of my be- I mean My Brain? But you also got one then use it, why do you keep bullying me every time? And if I do something or not you are jealous of me. *Said a bit loudly*

Mia: YEAH YOU BITCH, Keep your voice down in front of me, and this all is because you impressed each and every teacher and because of that now everyone started to hate us. Then how can we won't be jealous? Anyways, now you have to pay for it. *A little smirk*

She said and slapped me very hard. I fell on ground and they all started kicking me in stomach then Mia grabbed my hair and make me stand. I groaned in pain but she didn't mind it. She picked up a hockey stick in her hand and started hitting my legs.

Y/N: AAAAAHHHHHHH, please stob.

Mia: Don't shout bitch, I am already so angry, so don't utter a single word. You can never imagine what this school's EX TOPPER can do.

I was shouting for help but no use, everyone is in the cafeteria now.

Mia: Don't you dare to score good or you will be dead in the next moment, KIM FUCKING Y/N. 

She left from there. I got up with the support of a desk near me and went to the washroom with the support of the wall. I washed my face and went to the infirmary. When I entered, the teacher present there saw me and gave me as usual look.

Author POV

Then the teacher in infirmary call Jin and told him that 

Infirmary Teacher: Hello, I am Talking to Mr. Kim, Y/N's Brother?

Jin: Yes, I am. But what she did now?

Infirmary Teacher: Y/N was getting bullied from the first test she gave in this school but today it was too much. She can't even walk properly. She got fractures in her left shoulder and in her right leg, and her one rib bone has a minor fracture, she also she is having inner bleeding in her stomach. Can you please come to XXX Hospital? I brought her to hospital because the situation was not in my control. I know that you are busy but can you come here, she needs you.


I just completed my mission and came to my limo to go to my company for some meetings. I was with my members, BTS, and was on my way to our company. I was about to get in the company but got a call from unknown number. I picked up call and when I heard Y/N's name, I thought that she caused some trouble in her school but when the teacher continued and she that she is getting bullied for so long and is admitted to the hospital, I felt like to killing those who did this to my sister. I replied to teacher-

Jin: I am coming in 2 minutes.

I reached there and went to her room. She was lying lifelessly. I went towards her and she-

Jin: Y/Nieee, tell me who did this to you?

Y/N: Oppa *crying*

Jin: Baby don't cry, just tell me who did this to you and they will be dead in the very next moment.

Y/N: Oppa they are Mia and her minions. Oppa, can I ask you one thing?

Jin: Yes, of course.

Y/N: Oppa why do you care? 

Jin: Because I love you.

Y/n: But Oppa you've always been cold to me. Why?

Jin: Because  I don't hate you but the problem was that you talk too so much and I am mafia, so I became cold towards you. But I love you.

Y/N: Oppa I love you too. Butttt...

Jin: But?

Y/N: Oppa I want justice. *Told him everything that why Mia did this to her*

Jin: Don't worry baby, tomorrow they will be in hell. *Smirk*

Y/N: Thank you Oppa. I love you.

Jin: I love you too babyyy.

Thank you for reading my one-shot.🤧
I hope you guys like it.🥰
Have a nice time till then🥰

One Shot | RM | JIN | SUGA | J-HOPE | JIMIN | V | JKWhere stories live. Discover now