sixteen: twin flames

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The sun's already kissing the clouds goodbye when Lee gets onto the road, casting glimmers of orange and gold across the world

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The sun's already kissing the clouds goodbye when Lee gets onto the road, casting glimmers of orange and gold across the world. It washes Jack's face in pale amber too soft for his sharp, straight features, and Lee stares a little more than he should. Falls in love a little more than he should, as he seems to be doing so often nowadays.

Jack's folded bicycle sits snugly in the boot of Lee's Camaro as he heads to the smaller side of town, a far cry from the elitist mansions, personal pools, and perfectly-trimmed gardens in his own neighbourhood. It's weird being surrounded by neat rows of crumbling crackerboxes and tiny, jagged streets, even though he's driven this route more times than he'd like to admit.

He doesn't come here only when he takes Jack home, even though he'd tell everyone otherwise. Sometimes, when he's lonely, or miserable, or the house is too big for a sad kid and his sad dog, he throws Socks in the passenger seat and drives south. And sometimes, he dreams about what it would be like to live on this side of town, maybe with a certain someone by his side.

But it's all in his head. Always will be. And no matter how much Lee tries to deny it, he doesn't think he could ever let go of his trust fund baby lifestyle long enough for something like that.

"Are you sure---"

"Fucking hell, Lee," Jack bursts, smacking the side of Lee's bare thigh irritatedly. (Lee tries to hide how turned on that makes him.) "Of course they're not going to mind. If they did, Jax would literally bitch-slap them. Not that that's going to have to happen, because again. They literally do not mind. Okay?" His gaze softens, as it seems to do so often nowadays. Lee likes the change. As hot as Jack's regular grumpy stoicness is, he loves this side of him---the vulnerable yield, the push and pull. The way he draws open the curtain, even if only for a second, and lets Lee in. "You look amazing."

Suddenly shy, Lee tucks a stray wisp of hair behind his ear. "Thanks." And then, because he'll take any chance to flirt that he can, "I always do."

Jack glances away, cheeks blazing bright red. "You really do."

Lee pulls the car into park, trying to hide the way his heart hammers at his paper-thin skin and dyes his nerves vermillion and blue. "Thanks, Pref. Always a pleasure to provide some eye candy." He feels his grin stretch his face from ear to ear, spilling his feelings onto the ground. He wishes Jack would reach out and pick them up.

When they finally reach Jack's doorstep, Jack barely has time to fish out his keys before Jax flies out and wraps Lee in a tight hug. "You look amazing!" she proclaims once she lets him go, eyeing his dress appreciatively. "So cute! You should totally wear dresses more often. Bet Jackie was all over you."

"Jax," Jack groans, shaking his head at his sister.

Jax smirks imperiously. "You're just mad because you know I'm right." She grabs Lee's hand enthusiastically, tugging at his wrist. "I'm so glad you're staying with us! Come on! I'm going to kick James out so you can stay in my room!"

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