nine: goodnight kiss

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"What are you going to do about your car?" Jack asks once he's parked outside Lee's ridiculously opulent mansion

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"What are you going to do about your car?" Jack asks once he's parked outside Lee's ridiculously opulent mansion.

Truth be told, Lee had been expecting Jack to drop him off at Yumeko's house and leave. What he hadn't expected was Jack actually staying, suffering through Yumeko's affectionate barbs about how he was so whipped for Lee that he turned into his personal chaffeur, as well as her incredibly long lecture (directed at Lee himself, fortunately---he doesn't think he could have handled the guilt if Yumeko had decided to scold Jack) about never leaving him alone again.

"Do I have to put a baby monitor on your forehead, you fucking donkey?" Yumeko had complained as she dabbed dried blood away from his knuckles and slapped band-aids all over. Lee supposes he kind of deserves the shelling. Kind of, because if Yumeko knew the real reason why he looks so bashed up, she'd probably hit him again and then agree.

"I don't know. I'll probably call a taxi to get to school tomorrow and drive it home after," Lee replies flippantly. He hops off Jack's bike, tossing his hair back with a confident smirk. "Should be fine for one night."

Jack makes a frustrated noise in the back of his throat as he gets off the bike too. "It's a fucking Camaro. Aren't you afraid it'll get stolen?"

Laughter bubbles off Lee's tongue. "I'm too rich to care, Pref. Even if it does get stolen, Daddy dearest will have a new one in our driveway before I can even count to three." Because apparently money makes up for shit parenting.

Jack flicks the bandage on Lee's forehead with his index finger gently. "Asshole."

"Sorry we're not all broke as shit like you."

"Sorry we're not all dumb as shit like you."

"Sorry we're not all overachievers with sticks bigger than our dicks shoved up our asses like you."

"What the fuck," Jack chokes out.

Score, Lee thinks, grinning from ear to ear. He reaches into the pocket of his jeans---completely against school rules, but considering how he'd dressed to fight, he supposes Jack's decided to turn a blind eye on it---for his house keys. Then he pauses, turning back to Jack. "Thanks for taking me home, Pref," he says, unable to help the affection that creeps into his voice.

Jack snorts. "I saw the amount of cheeseburgers you ordered and knew you would have been rolling home. Couldn't let that happen, could I?" He pauses, something soft settling into his brown eyes like a blanket of stars. It wraps around Lee and makes him feel like the most special person in the world. "Don't bother calling a taxi tomorrow morning. I'll come and pick you up."

All the air in Lee's body instantly escapes his lungs. He's winded, breathless---and shit, he loves it. A grin crosses his face, wide and teasing, and he feels like he's walking on clouds. "You know, you don't need to be so nice to me just because I beat some guys up for you."

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