Chapter Six

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The alarm clock woke Adrienne from a deep slumber. She was too excited to fall asleep and therefore slept only about 2 hours before the clock so rudely screamed in her ears. With a grunt she stuck out her hand out towards the clock and pressed the snooze button. Exactly ten minutes later she grunted grumply at the clock again which seems to scream with gusto. WAKE Up, WAKE Up, she pressed the button down and got up in one go. After taking a quick shower she got out of the bathroom and dressed herself quickly. When her morning routine was finished she looked at herself in the mirror and said " Wow am I really in Italy? I'm so excited she squeel softly. Wow,wow ,yes ,yes ,Adrienne you are  not on holiday you are here to work. She said, speaking to herself, okay then let me get ready for the day. She said smiling at her reflection. Wait she said to the mirror.
Today is the first day of my new life!
Really, her reflection just looked at her , okay ,yes , not today but now is the first day of my new life.
She laughed at herself and went downstairs to get something to eat.
When she came near the kitchen, she heard some voices but when she entered she was quite surprised to see the table full of people. She looked at them for a moment and then Emmanuel spoke " come, Adrienne,come have a seat "." Good morning, Adrienne, " said Olivia kindly , there is plenty of food for you to choose from." Adrienne steps for ward and the twins says " Come, sit with us we have kept a seat for you" Everybody, made some noise, and started to tease the boys, who just said" what, what's happening?
Adrienne went to sit between the boys and they had big smiles on their faces.
" I'm sorry for being late, I did not know that everyone would be at the table so early" .And then somebody spoke angrily.
" And ,Why Not!" Adrienne looks at the man who spoke with a heavy accent. And then he speaks again."This, is our house,and we always eat breakfast together, now miss,  you should be considered and stick to the time, because even the twins are punctual.
Adrienne nod her head and looked at him more closely, he is young ,has sharp features and has very black hair.
She was just looking  at him as he was raving on and on ,not even giving her a chance to respond  and he was getting more and more agitated getting red in the face " Why are you looking at me like that ,?he spat .I am talking to you ,are you suddenly mute, did you hear me ,I said you must be on time. I do not care if this is the first day in our house , or that your an au pair,and he made air quotes or a qualified teacher ,you must respect your host family,  okay! He sniggered.
Adrienne looked at him snidely and said ( in Afrikaans).
" As jy miskien better maniere gehad het sou ek jou miskien nog ordentelik geantwoord het ,maar ek praat nie met tange nie. Jammer meneer, baas van die huis,)"
Fabio looked flabbergasted at her and said "what did you just say to me"
" Ek se mos jou jy het geen maniere, nie as jy will he ek moet jou reels respekteer ,moet jy eers Respek verdien ,hou jou ontbyt, ek is nie meer honger nie. Verskoon my baas"
Adrienne looks at the children and said," Children, school starts in five minutes,and please be prompt",and walked out.
" Yes, yes," Enrico shouted" I'm so gonna learn that language, and then nobody is going to mess with me."
" Me , too said Marco" and us" said the twins loudly.
" Stop shouting now, children, Emmanuel, fumed go to school."
Everyone scamper and practically ran out of the kitchen.
" Fabio, a word in my office, now Emmanuel commands and walked away.
" Why" Fabio protests.
Emmanuel turned around and said "Fabio, now".
Fabio was still sitting, and looked at Olivia, and ask " why must I go to his office I'm not a child any more? " He fumed.
Olivia spoke softly to him, just go and get it over with.
He stood so up ruptly  from the table that Olivia flinched. What just happened,at my table"  she ask herself, why did Fabio flip so out against Adrienne,and  he don't even know her.
Olivia " he said as he stopped midway, that woman must go,she is too disrespectful and just think ,she
will teach the children, this mumbo jumbo."
Your father is waiting for you" she said being very confused about his behavior.
He looks angrily at her and stomped to his father's office. He didn't even knock he just went inside.
Emmanuel turned to him and asked him very agitated.
What was that son is that how you behave at the breakfast table?"
Fabio looked shocked at his father " Excuse me," Father but I was not the one being rude, and speaking in another language and stomping off. I was just speaking to the woman and she got angry "
" Don't lie Fabio, I was there everyone was there you attacked that woman as you call her, her name is Adrienne. She was just starting to apologize then you decided to rant at her .Of cause she will retaliate, who do you think you are? You were reared to be a gentleman but you, you just jumped at her and started to insult her "
Father " Fabio started ,she came late to the breakfast table,!"
" And it is my table , I'm the head of this house and it's my table . I would have told Olivia to speak to her about the rules of the house, but the way you behaved was really disappointing."
" You instilled punctuality into us from young,"
" I did yes for you children yes but for my guests I leave that to Olivia ."
It was me who told Olivia to let her sleep a little later as she would be very tired because of the jet lag . But you for your behavior there is no excuse. You will apologize to her ,and while she's living under the same roof as you you will treat
Her kindly ,do you hear !" Fabio just nod his head and walked out. Emmanuel turned to gaze out of the window ,what happened at the table ?Why did Fabio reacted so badly at seeing Adrienne ?
What happened?
Fabio my child what happened to you why did you react so strangely to Adrienne.?

( Meaning of Afrikaans words:
Maybe if you had better manners I could have answered you properly but I, don't speak to dogs sorry boss).

(I'm telling you,you have no respect and if you want me to obey your rules you must learn to respect me because respect is earned., keep your breakfast, I'm not hungry anymore, boss).

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