Chapter 16

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Izuku stepped away from Tenya and Ochako, or rather...he nearly ran to the other side of the room.
They could tell by his body movement as he picked up the phone that he was ecstatic, and they wondered who it could possibly be. It was no longer often that izuku looked that happy.

The second he had picked it up he spoke.
"All might?!"
He had completely forgotten the orders all might had given him to call him Mr. Yagi, but relief was flooding his system. It had been so long and he had been so worried about him.

Ochako and Tenya had heard Izuku shout the hero's name and smiled.
They both knew the truth and they both knew how important all might was to izuku. Izuku would never tell anyone, but those close to him knew that Izuku thought of him as a father figure.

"Midoriya my boy..." it finally sounded from the other side of the line.
All might's voice was hoarse and tired.

"Are you alright? The police brought you in and I haven't heard from you since! I've been so worried! I thought maybe they hurt you" Izuku grasped his shirt tightly on the spot in front of his heart. " were probably just going off the grid right? Like Kacchan tried to?" Izuku was hopeful, but his smile was wavering.
Nobody wanted to believe that the man they thought of as a father had been held and beaten by police for such a long time.

But then All might just sighed and Izuku's face fell.
   'Of course...' Izuku realized.

"No my boy..." All might said. He hated to tell him. He wished he only had good news for Izuku.
   "They only just let me go"

"But-" Izuku raised his voice "they've been holding you all this time?! They can't do that! And they've- they've been hurting you...and that's..."

"Izuku" it was rare that All might called him by his first name, but Izuku knew that meant he had to listen.
   "Remember our prior agreement," All might said quickly as if he only just remembered as well.

"Yes...Mr. Yagi..." Izuku mumbled into the phone. His eyes were closed. He felt like crying.
" are okay...right? Mr, Yagi?" Izuku asked one last time as tears began to form in his eyes. it was difficult to keep his voice steady. He didn't want to hear that his mentor had been tortured by the government, but he knew that it was true.

"I'm alright now, thank you for your concern" All might muttered, and the sadness was evident in his voice.

Izuku nodded, even though his mentor couldn't see it through the phone "of course"
izuku let his gaze wander and saw Tenya and Ochako looking worried. he shot them a fake smile that they immediately saw straight through.

"And you? are you alright, young Midoriya?"

"I'm not quite sure..." Izuku answered honestly. He looked at Ochako and Tenya again who gave him a look similar to how they would if they found out something terrible happened. they didn't know what to say or do at all but they understood.
they both knew how important all might was to Izuku.
"It's been hard...and the police keeps pushing me into a corner"

It grew silent on the other line, but Izuku knew how All might's face may have looked.

"And I-" Izuku continued "...I have no idea how I'll handle the trial that is coming" he admitted. There was another pause. "I don't know if I will make it..."

"Don't talk like that, my boy!" All might scolded him "this won't end with you behind bars"
How could all might sound so confident?
Izuku remembered his childhood when he heard that all night was arrested. Izuku thought the same of all might as all might thought of him now. But he had been wrong. All might had been put in prison...was it his turn now?

Izuku chuckled, but before Izuku could answer all might he was reminded that he wasn't alone in the room.
   "of course, you will Izuku! We're with you every step of the way, remember?"

"that is right! I will give it everything I have to ensure that it turns out in your favor"

Izuku was a little embarrassed, he had actually forgotten that they were even there, completely caught up in his conversation with All might.
   Ochako moved first, walking towards izuku until she finally embraced him. He had gotten used to that. It was nice.
Then she started speaking again, but this time not directed towards Izuku, but rather at all might. "we're taking care of him"

"that is all that I could ask..." All might said, his voice shaking with emotion.
   To know that Izuku had reliable friends that stood by his side even when they knew the truth was the greatest relief. he knew that it was true that Izuku wouldn't make it if he had to do it all alone.
He wished he could say the same for his other apprentice, Katsuki Bakugou.
It bothered him that he hadn't gotten word about him or his trial. He could only hope he had remained that firey spirit that wouldn't break.


Katsuki, of course, was as wild as ever before, but the stress of it all was getting to him as well. It was only natural, they were much harsher against Katsuki, with all the evidence and eyewitnesses against him, than they were with Izuku.
   He was still in arrest, and was only let out of that tiny room to speak with the police or his lawyer, Seiji Shishikura. His family had hired Seiji. He was one of the best lawyers around, but Katsuki despised him.
   Sure he was helping him out, but Seiji had an attitude that even Katsuki couldn't stand, and as time had progressed he realized that he had met him at an athletic tournament in high school where he tried to act like the judge, Katsuki hated him back then too, and Seiji remembered him.
   He had no respect whatsoever, and definitely no patience for anyone who didn't match his perfection of perfection, so it was incredible that he agreed to be Katsuki's lawyer given the fact that he seemingly didn't like Katsuki either, which begged the question 'how much money are my parents paying this guy?!'. It was just another one of those things bothering Katsuki.

"you're gonna lose" Seiji was rude and straightforward, beating the papers of Katsuki's case into a neat stack on the table separating them.
Katsuki took the papers carefully and threw them onto the wall at the other end of the room, scattering as they as they fell to the floor.

Seiji first let out a deeply offended sound, and then sent Katsuki a harsh look.
"No wonder. No self-control, no refinement. No wonder you ended up in this predicament"

Yes, it was a sharp contrast to the relationship between Izuku and his lawyer, Tenya Iida.

"Hey, asshole...what is that supposed to mean?!" Katsuki growled. He clenched his fists under the table and felt his blood boiling. He was starting to get angry.

Seiji narrowed his eyes once more.
   "it means that  there is nothing in your character that could ever lead you down the path of success."
Katsuki gritted his teeth, and if he hadn't been handcuffed with quirk-nullifying cuffs he might have just leapt over the table and let Seiji taste an explosion.
   No, he couldn't do that, but he still had his voice, and he used it.

He started yelling so loud so suddenly that the officers outside the door can't in and removed him, throwing him back into that cramped room he'd spent so much time in.
   He spent some time in there kicking and punching the dull walls, almost drawing blood from his knuckles and feet.
When he stopped and sat down, breathing heavily, he realized how exhausted he really was. He was exhausted from thinking about this whole ordeal for days. Tired from worrying. So tired, yet so full of determination that kept him awake.
So he stayed sitting in the dark until he fell asleep, leaning against one of the walls.

the sleep was uneasy and was interrupted in the early morning hours when the guard kicked the door open.
   "Lucky you" he smirked. "your court date was moved closer"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2022 ⏰

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