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The warm amber glow of the rising sun illuminated the streets as I had walked down the messy and unkept stone pathway to my childhood home, it had been a place of comfort that seemed to be ornamented with memories of a simpler time, though now it seems that I would be living here indefinitely. The gate that had blocked the property from the streets had rusted slightly, showing that time had indeed passed since the last time I was here nearly 4 years ago, it had a slight groan as I opened it with a nostalgic heart. I had acquired this house as a result of my parents moving to a smaller city to enjoy the simplicity of early retirement without wanting this house to go to someone who wouldn't care for it.

I fished the key out of my pocket and inserted it into the lock, giving it a turn. As I opened the door I had released a steady breath and eased my tightened muscles to try and alleviate my anxiety, was I wishing that everything was the same as when I had left? Did I wish for there to be noticeable changes to the place I had called home for most of my life? Though I had no answer I knew in the back of my mind that there was nothing to worry about.

"Its so...empty" I chuckled to myself, seeing the barren rooms with only a few pieces of furniture scattered throughout the home. I couldn't help but smile as the reality of owning this home for a few months finally set in, "I wonder how long I can keep it clean before Dahlia messes it up completely" I mused to myself. Dahlia, my older sister, had truly become more successful than me in the time that we've been apart. Last I heard she had been managing some 'up and coming' girl band whose name I had completely forgotten, in fact that's the reason I am here today.

Just about a month or two ago I received a call about an employment opportunity from the same company that my sister works for as a bodyguard for the aforementioned girl band, not that I had needed the job, but the pay was definitely better than what I would ever be making before so the choice was clear.

The sound of an engine pulling up to the street and shutting off had pulled me from my thoughts as I walked out to see a familiar face, though a little worn. "Dahlia! It's great to see you!" I had greeted. "Y/N! It's been too long, didn't forget me I hope" she chuckled and closed the car door, walking towards me and bring me into a gentle hug.

"How could I forget the best sister in the world?" I said releasing her from the embrace, the corners of my mouth curling upwards ever so slightly. She looked just left of me as her eyes narrowed and grew a scornful expression "Seems Grant had no issue". Grant, my older brother, had left every member of the family after marrying some controlling bitch and had made no attempts to speaking to any of us since that day. He moved to god knows where doing god knows what, completely cutting us off from his life completely.

"Good thing I'm not Grant" I said trying to lighten the now sour mood. "Yeah you're right, sorry for ruining our reunion," she chuckled before continuing "So you know the company you're going to be working at right?" she said in a tone that seemed to be hinting at something more. "Yeah, Gardner Music Productions, why?" I had asked, letting her continue "Well I pulled some strings with the higher ups and you're going to be bodyguarding the very same group I'm managing" she said beaming with a prideful attitude.

"Oh that girl band right?" I asked, aware of my growing confusion. "Yeah K/DA!" she excitedly said. Ah so that's their name, K/DA, got it! "I'll be sure to do my best to keep them safe!" I confidently proclaimed, earning a chuckle from Dahlia. "Well anyway would you like me to drive you to the company so you can get your things?" she asked. "Yeah, give me a moment to lock up"

The moving trucks should be bringing my belongings to the house later today anyways so there wasn't much I could do right now. We walked out of the house and I closed the door behind me and turned the key, locking the house as we left for her vehicle. I opened the passenger side door and sat down on the leather seat, buckling myself into place as we drove off to meet with my new boss.

Protection (Akali x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now