5: "I'm Scared"

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[Aiko Fukuda's POV]

I looked behind me and saw a man covered in hands come out of some misty portal.

Tons of different villains appeared in front of me out of many other mist portals that appeared.

"Huddle up and don't move!" I hear Shota yelling "Thirteen! Protect the students."

"Thirteen... and Eraserhead.. is it? All Migjt was supposed to be here, but some other woman is here instead." A man who seems to be the one controlling the mist said.

"I wonder if some dead kids will bring him here?" The hand guy said.

"That girl may be on the level of a pro hero!" The lead villain yelled "Treat her as one!"

Villains came out of the portals like a flood.

And they all began aiming for me.

Without wondering if I could fight, I began moving off pure instinct.

I dodged two villains heading towards me and did my best to take down the strongest ones while doing small damage to weaker fodder.

Think Aiko, you can't depend purely off what the past you learned.

I have a quirk that doesn't help in battle, only for mind games.

That means I must've been quite skilled in close combat without relying on my quirk.

As if it's been drilled into me, I quickly dislocated the limbs of anyone I could pin down while getting up to dodge the long-range attacks of others.

There's hundreds of villains, they couldn't have trained all of them.

Meaning that these people really are just fodder they picked off the streets.

I collapsed the wind pipes of various enemies as if it were as simple as breathing.

Every time I kicked or punched someone with my full might, I could tell I was breaking a bone or hitting a pressure point.

Off mostly instinct, I did my best to defend myself as I tried to keep my mind unfocused on the panic it was in.

Not knowing if I even know how to fight.

Not understanding my full fighting capabilities.

Fighting blindly without using my quirk because I don't know the names of anyone here.

It's scary.

I gouged out the eyes of someone whose quirk seemed to rely on them.

I didn't even know I could do that till now.

It's so scary.

I'm doing brutal things to these villains and I'm not even caring.

They scare me more than what I'm doing to them.

A villain with a knife went behind me and stabbed my back, but I ignored the pain and calmly took his knife to stab him back like it was second nature.

I can tell I'm not fighting at full potential, but I should've expected it.

A bullet just barely grazed my ear as I dodged out of instinct.

I'm scared.

Like a beacon of hope, Shota jumped down from the stairs out of nowhere.

He came in guns-blazing, using his scarf for long-range fighting as I fought close-range while he erased the quirks of the hardest enemies on the field.

Fighting with him felt natural, as if I've done it many times before.

I received a headache that distracted me mid-fight.

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