4: "How Unsettling"

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[Aiko Fukuda's POV]

"Aiko, wake up" I heard a soothing voice close to me.

I was in the arms of the man who owned that calming voice.

I gave Shota the honor of cuddling my body, I know, I'm very lenient to this libertine. How courteous of me.

"Aiko, I have some important training with the kids today, wanna come?" He asked as he rubbed my head.

"Sure, I want to keep an eye on you as much as I can" I said lazily as I yawned.

"I'll make us breakfast, you can go shower and look as great as usual when you're done." He said.

I just responded with a simply 'okay' as I tried to hide my subconscious smile like always.

Shota keeps flattering me with compliments as if that'll work to get on my good side.

I walked into the bathroom and looked at my tired face and smiled.

Maybe I don't look so bad.

No, Shota just looks at me with rose-tinted lense. He's just trying to get me to fall for his tricks. I slapped my cheeks and began getting ready.

• • • • • • • • •

"Today we'll be doing rescue training" Shota talked as I zoned off in the corner of the classroom nearing where he stood.




"Aiko, we're going" Shota suddenly said.

"Huh? Where?" I stopped zoning out.

"You weren't paying attention we're you?" He sighed "We're going to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint to do some rescue training with All Might, Thirteen, and the kids."

"Now c'mon, we got a bus to take" he took my hand and we both walked to catch up with his students.

My heart skipped a beat just from the brief hand holding.

How quaint.

We made it to the bus and sat next to each other since us and Thirteen were the only adults there.

"Are you two in a relationship?" Thirteen asked, making me flinch.

Shota spoke before I could.

"We're taking a short break from that sort of relationship cause she lost her memories, but don't worry, that break will end soon" Shota said with a subtle smile.

"What makes you so confident? It's only been a week or 2 since I woke up from that hospital!" I snapped back, but he just pat my head.

"If you really treated me like a stranger when we first met again, you would have tortured the information out of me cause it's only 'logical'." He said with his usually monotone voice.

Though he has a natural monotone voice, I could tell whenever he sounded happy or sad or just neutral.

"Yes, it would've have made more sense to treat you more stoically, but it's hard to act senseful when you act so sensual." I rebuked.

"Those words sound so similar yet so different" Thirteen mumbled.

"We'll, Aiko keeps calling me vulgar for simply complimenting how she looks"

"Shota keeps seducing me with his alluring behavior!"

"Am I sitting next to adults or high schoolers?" Thirteen laughed.

"Whatever the case, it's not my business to object." She concluded, giving a rather neutral answer to it all "Look, we arrived so you two can bicker with each other later."

We exited the bus with the students and went inside this dome-like gym...?

Is this considered a gym? This place is huge and packed with terrains!

Shota and Thirteen have a short speech.

Apparently this dome thing was made by Thirteen.

All Might apparently couldn't join us either. Shame, I was looking forward to meeting the number 1.

As they were instructing the students, I began walking ahead of everyone down the big set of stairs.

How unsettling.

I have an unsettling feeling.

It's like instinct.

Like you can feel something will happen.

I walked down these large stairs, saying I'd look around because I want to make sure this place is safe.

What makes me feel so unsettled?

So much so that I used the same adjective thrice in one day?

Once I made it to the bottom, a dark mist came out of nowhere, justifying my unsettling feelings.

A hand pooped out of the mist that was 30 feet in front of me.

Somehow I could tell...

This guy's a villain.


Aiko's Fun Facts Corner!
- She used to always dye her hair brown because she didn't like how her blonde hair and red eyes stood out like she was some foreigner! She stopped doing it when Aizawa told her that she looked great the way she is!


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