Part 5: Where Do You Think Your Going?

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Tsunayoshi had been avoiding Xanxus lately to avoid being blasted at, even if two beings were annoyingly protesting against it in his head. If you thought normal protesters were annoying think again. Tsunayoshi being Tsunayoshi luck wasn't on his side. After two whole days of avoiding Xanxus, two glorious days, he tripped down the stairs. And guess who he crashed into. If you guessed Xanxus ding ding ding, you are correct!

"Ite," Tsunayoshi mumbled as he rubbed his head.

"Trash," an oh so familiar voice growled. "X-Xanxus, a-ano.... sorry for uh bumping into you," the victim stumbled. Xanxus just let out an indignant huff and walked of.

"I'm still alive!!" Tsunayoshi fell to his knees. "He didn't try to kill me this time.

Finally on good terms with Xanxus ne Tsuna-kun?, Byakuran asked playfully. "How is that good terms?" he grumbled as he shakily stood up.

He didn't try to kill you, that means he hold some level of respect for you, Tsuna explained to his counterpart, who in turn only nodded.

"Tsuna!!" yelled an angry voice. The brunette froze, he knew when Tetsuya was mad that meant trouble. "Y-yes Tetsuya?" he asked nervously. He shifted from foot to foot, and avoided making eye contact. If he knew anything, making eye contact with an angry Tetsuya only angered the latter more.

"Where the hell do you think your going?!" he asked as he towered over Tsunayoshi. Oh how Tsunayoshi hated being short. Taller people were so intimidating.

"F-for a walk, won't take long," he nervously looked up. He saw worry flash through those stormy golden eyes. "I-I wasn't going to try anything, just a walk." His brother's eyes narrowed. "Y-you c-could come with m-me," he offered. Immediately his brother lightened up to his relief.

"So where we headed," his brother asked. Tsunayoshi said he didn't have anywhere in paticular, just to wander around. "We could go for a quick hike through the woods," he suggested. Tsunayoshi hummed in agreement. "Wait here, I'll ask the others if they want to come."

Somebody's suspicious~, Byakuran sang.

Probably thinks you'll try another suicide attempt, Tsuna chimed in.

Tsunayoshi sighed. "I would never do that," he mumbled. "Even If I wanted to, you guys wouldn't let me," he giggled at the thought.

Sorry for the short chap, I've been busy lately, and didn't want you guys to wait too long. Ja ne~

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