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"Just a few more steps." A woman's voice can be heard saying from a room, Jake was taking his final steps to complete his healing, the woman congratulates him on his final work.
Jake signs the papers getting ready for release, "don't for get this was your final therapy session, and we included the last bottle of prescription, please take it easy I don't wanna see you back here alright?" I responded with yes, Jake walks out to the red porsche sat a front row parking space.
Jake opens the door and climbs in, he reaches for the keys to start the vehicle, his neck hairs stick up like he is being watched, or was he, the car starts with the engine of a dream, the heater turns on to provide him with warmth, as he sits for a second he noticed his phone was receiving a call, Jake answers the call.
"This is jake." "Hello, it's chief Brockman, from the police department." The phone call continues for a min Jake then heard the words he desens to hear, "we have something for you, with your background we thought it be best to say that a case opened up, when could we meet Jake." Jake was surprised to here from them since it's been months, "what's the case sir, if I might ask." He responds with,"Well the people who you had trouble with, there's been reports on the west coast of a stolen car ring involving your dad's work, given everything that happened it be best to think about this." Jake didn't need hesitation, he says " I'll take it we can meet in an hour and could you maybe brew some tea since it is winter season." "Well, alright and yea, I really enjoy hibiscus it really brings a peace of mind, but yes Jake we can meet soon." The phone call ends as Jake begins to put the car into drive, he starts routing to the police department, Jake says he's always desens to get back to work to shut this shit down, but at what cost he thought.
A tan Ford Tarus maybe mid 2000s comes to a halt at a street corner, the driver is unknown but weres a drapper wind coat, and has a flash print camera ready to take photos, the driver spots a car familiar to what the picture in the news was, he begins to watch as the driver falls into a turn into what could be Versa Police Department.
The driver takes 2 photos the car from the back, and the car turning in, he pulls out a recording device he buys a lot when a case is this big, he begin to record a new tape on his phone, "Tape number 25, the date, December 31, 2023, I found the vehicle supposedly belonging to the man I am after, after my investigation into crystal entertainment, it led back to a guy in Colorado, how particular I will fallow and see were he goes, this concludes tape 25." The driver pulls away in a hot flash not wanting to be seen.
Jake steps out of the car, he dips real low so public eye doesn't catch wiff, he opens the door to the entrance into the police department, he sits down in a chair, other officers can be over heard talking and gossiping about him he thought it was a trap, a voice can be over heard telling officers to cut the shit and get back to work.
"Well if it ain't Mr Jake hymm, well well." Jake nods as he is led to a back room, Jake was told to sit down in the chair in front of the chief, "Jake I understand how deep you feel about your father, but with things going on we need your help, unfortunately it's hard to say but we need a team that can execute 3 search warns in Sanfrancisco, a dock yard an apartment, and a where house." Jake looks like he is happy to here this news, he picks up the cup of tea, witch was really sweet, "Jake, crystal entertainment left behind something big, I didn't know this big, Jake we need some people of your experience to support us, and with it being said I understand we can come to terms." Jake agrees and says "so do I get my choice of people, firearms and tools to help." The chief says, "Well, yes define people and also firearms, I mean your team of your choice will be a black ops team in and out, but if you want to chose your plan by all means." Jake begins to ponder, "Well I do have some men in mind, but they will be black listed so, if it's mu choice I'd love to proceed." Jake then picks up the glass and sips on the tea, the chief hands him a file he explains the importance of the case but Jake was told this when he was handed this one page, "this is the head man of the ring, 29, German he gruff a heavy wet works type of man who gets business done, Jake can I count on you for doing this, might I add this guy is some one who you poke, he will have heavy enforcement on him like a hawk." Jake knows how stuff goes down, he responds after downing the tea from his mug, "sir, I will have a team ready by 6 am on the dot, don't worry we will take this, I am ready to shut that fucking company down." The chief is relieved and agrees that every says that company should go down.
Jake's family was home, porsha siting on the couch watching TV, some true crime stuff, mom well she was outside just having a smoke, Tianna well in her room of course, his younger brother on the other living seat watching TV with his older sister.
Everyone heard a sound from the drive way the car being as loud as it is alerted everyone, Jake walks through the door, his hand filled with a briefcase full of files, and his service pistol holster on his side, he was in silent but greats his older half sister porsha with a hug, and heads off to his room, getting prepared for what might become the biggest mission yet.
A/N hello, this is the first official chapter of broken bloodlines so hope yall love the story, please fallow I'll be posting message boards so see uall in the next chapter...

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