Chapter 3~

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(A/N: ⬆️ Nameless oc.)

The next day, Mammon had everything ready.. except for his braveness. This was his last time eating at the HOL before he left. Everyone was now eating breakfast, and of course, 4 of the brothers tried ignoring Mammon, until one had to say something. "Mammon, can you stop frowning? It makes you look ugly." "Geez, any expression makes me look ugly," he made a high pitched voice, "Mammon, get that stupid, greedy smile off your face. Mammon stop frowning. -When can't I behave, huh? J-Just say I'm ugly at this point." Mammon rolled his eyes. "Asmo, don't be rude." Belphie scolded him. Satan agreed, "..Yeah." "I just don't like seeing you frown." "Ya don't like seein' me in general, same for the others. Right, everyone?" Lucifer sighed, "Mammon, stop being dramatic." "Stop being a normie." An otaku said, not even taking a look at Mammon's longbeen distraught face. "Whaddya mean?! Ya guys aren't even telling me where ya guys are taking me! I'm-I'm scared!" His verbal cries practically scared his younger brothers. "You're admitting you're scared?" Asked Satan. "You shouldn't be scared because you're one of the 7 rulers of the Devildom." Stated Lucifer. Levi scoffed, "A terrible one at that." Mammon said, kinda above a whisper, "Ya guys are so mean to me."

"CAN YOU ALL SHUT UP ALREADY?!.. Except Beel and Mammon." Belphie seemed angry at first but then smiled at Mammon, since he flinched and Lucifer usually does the yelling. Mammon was shocked he was included. "Don't speak to me and your brothers that way, Belphegor!" "Whatever, old man." Mammon wondered, Why's Belphie makin' such a big deal out of this for me? And Beel also wondered that. "We'll be leaving in 10 minutes. Beel, finish eating." "I will." Mammon felt his heart race. Since Mammon was going to be away from the house for a whole ____, he excused himself to leave the dinner table, supposedly not going to care about what Lucifer says. (A/N: He obviously went to go drain his tears.)

Beel finished eating and those 10 minutes had passed. Lucifer had already locked the front door and now they were walking to the asylum. Soon the asylum reached Mammon's eyes, at first he was looking at the ground. Is that where I'm going?! Let's say all thoughts are Mammon's unless specified. Mammon felt his heart race even more. Belphie noticed his fear and held his hand. "..Lucifer,.. are you taking me here?" "Yes, I am..." "What? This is just prison but scarier." Mammon's eyes watered. "Nothing is scary about this place." "There he goes, being a drama king again." "Belphie," Mammon whispered, trying to not make his voice crack in fear, "Please, let go of me." "Ugh, fine." They released hands. Mammon tried running away but Lucifer grabbed the sleeve of his jacket. "Maammon." He said sternly. Mammon quickly pulled himself out of the jacket. "Beel, get him!" Mammon bumped into Beel and was pulled into a hug that wouldn't break. "No!" "Yes, I'm sorry, Mammy." Mammon could hardly breathe and only Beel could hear this, "Beel, you traitor." Now Beel wanted to cry.

They finally made it into the building. "It's scary in here." Mammon whispered. Beel asked him, "Since when were you afraid of places like this?" Belphie, who could relate, answered for him, "He isn't, he's just scared of being alone," and that was completely true. Levi smiled, trying to get the image Mammon's teary eyed face out of his sight, "At least I get a break from seeing him. And I'm forced to visit so it's gonna be ok, Mammon." Levi doesn't really know how to word things for comfort. "It's n-not ok." Mammon replied. Lucifer walked up to and talked to a nurse. Asmo laughed, "Haha, Mammon, are you still scared?" "Yeah, but the asylum's also cold." Satan stated plainly, "Words can't describe how much I'm ashamed of my older brother." I think they could. While Beel was still hugging Mammon, Belphie came up to them and covered Mammon's ears. He glared at the others.

Lucifer walked back to his brothers. "You must go now, Mammon. We'll be visiting you next Sunday." "Oh, did Lucifer mention you still have to do some of your schoolwork? Funny, right? Lol." "Please follow me, sir." The author's nameless oc said. Beel finally let go of Mammon and Belphie uncovered his ears. Mammon ran to the exit, and pushed and pulled on the doors, but they wouldn't open, "No!" Lucifer grabbed Mammon tightly. "You aren't supposed to run away, Mammon." Asmo whined, "You're upsetting the worker!" "No, he's not." Nameless oc smiled. "D'ah! His smile is scary!" "Mammon, you're making a fool out of yourself." Lucifer said disappointed. Satan agreed, "Not that he already isn't." "His smile isn't scary, it's hot." Asmo remarked. Belphie whispered, "Weirdo." Mammon suddenly hugged Lucifer and started crying. "I don't want to leave you guys." "..." Lucifer just forced a sigh. "Mammon.~ Can't you give up so my break can start?" Levi said. "You guys never-ever shut up." Belphie facepalmed, trying to keep his composure. "Since when, were you on the Scumbag's side?" "Since I wanted to bury you six feet un- Ahahaha- I'm fine." He said in a low tone. "..."

Mammon was still on Lucifer, "Lulu, I'm scared." Slightly trying to comfort him Lucifer said, "There's nothing to be afraid of." Lucifer practically pushed Mammon off him, which literally took the purpose of trying to comfort him away. Mammon got the idea Lucifer was sick of him, just like the others, the whole Devildom even. "I-I- oh." He was shocked. Lucifer's never done something like this, ever. There was no way Mammon could believe Lucifer still cared about him now. "I'll still miss ya guys." "Aw, I'll miss you too.~" Asmo smiled. Beel agreed. "I should be glad I get to be away from you backstabbing brothers,.. but sadly, I'm not." "Take my pillow, Mammon." Belphie just shoved it at Mammon. "What?" "Here." "I couldn't possibly take your pillow." "I want you to have it." "O-ok, thanks." He whispered, "Call me as soon as possible." "Ok." A worker took his suitcases. "..Bye, guys." All his brothers said goodbye in their own way. "Remember you'll see Asshoedeus next week!~" He blew a kiss to Mammon, and Mammon couldn't help but smile. "Language." Asmo laughed aggressively loud and Lucifer slapped him in the back of his head, "Ahahaha-ow!!"

"Please follow me now." Nameless oc told Mammon.

(A/N: Words: 1,103, you busters have any names for Nameless oc or?)

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