Chapter 4

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"Oh no," the girl in the video laughed. "Oh no George stop."

I let out a loud groan. "Oh god, this is so painful."

"You have no clue how much I wished you'd answer me," Dream said sadly.

"You have no idea how much I wish I would have as well," I chuckled.

The video came to the part where I said I was in love with Dream. I covered my face with my hands, my face was burning red. "Oh god, I hope Dream isn't watching this," the girl in the video said and cringed visibly.

"Oh but I was," Dream teased. "George let me see your face. Move your hands." Dream pleaded.

"No, I'm embarrassed." I said, but my voice was muffled by my hands.

"Oh, come on."

I groaned and slowly moved my hands. "You said the thing," I said quietly.

One side of Dreams lips perked up in a smirk. "You're blushing," he teased.

"Don't make fun of me, I'm sensitive." I begged.

"Aww, poor little Gogy." Dream continued to tease. The video ended and the thumbnail for another video popped up. "Oh my god, Skeppy reacted? Click it, click it."

"Okay, I'm clicking," I responded and clicked the video.

"Hey what's up guys, today I'm going to be reacting to Georgenotfound literally outing himself, Karl Jacobs, and Sapnap. Now I'm going to be honest, these are all my friends and there well being is really important to me. So this video isn't going to be poking fun of this situation in the slightest. Now that we've got that covered let's get into the video." Skeppy started his intro. I felt relieved that Skeppy wasn't going to make fun of me. "Bad did you see George's stream last night?"

"I did," Bad said and I felt the sympathy in his voice.

"You wanna react to it with me?" Skeppy asked. "I haven't seen it yet."

"Sure," Bad said. "I feel so bad for George though, I tried to text him but he hasn't responded."

"Text him George," I heard Dream's voice cut through the video. "You gotta let people know you're okay."

"Can we watch the video first? I wanna know how bad their reactions are first," I pleaded.

"Fair," he responded. "Continue."

The entire video seemed to be Skeppy and Bad doing there best to get the audience to see things from my point of view and Skeppy ended the video asking them to be reasonable and not bother the three of us too much.

"See?" Dream's voice cut through again. "Text them."

I sighed and opened my discord app and text Bad first and let him know I was okay, then I text Skeppy.

George: hey I appreciate the video you made, wanted to let ya know I'm okay. We can talk more later

He got a notification from Bad, responding to his text.

BadBoyHalo: is everything okay with Dream?

"Why wouldn't everything be okay with Dream?" Dream asked.

"Well you know some people feel awkward to find out their best friend of years has been- shut up Dream." I said. Just because Dream knew how I felt didn't mean I necessarily wanted to discuss my feelings about him at length with him.

"I don't feel awkward at all," Dream smirked. "If anyone should feel awkward it's you." He chuckled.

I couldn't help but laugh at him. "How do you make everything so easy?" I asked a little too fondly.

"Because I'm perfect," Dream teased and laughed at himself before changing his voice to more serious. "It's because I'm your best friend George. I know you and I know how to make you laugh. I don't want you to feel too serious or worried about being awkward with me. I wanna make this easy for you."

I felt the biggest smile on my face. How could anyone not be in love with Dream? I felt like I was the luckiest person on earth to have Dream talk to me the way he always did.

I felt a little pang in my chest knowing that I would never get to be with Dream.

"You are perfect Dream." I admitted.

"So are you George," Dream said with a fond smile. I knew it was my own feelings twisting the situation but I swore Dream looked at me the way I wanted Dream to be looking at me.

They talked for a while longer before Dream told me he had to go. He had plans for dinner than night and I couldn't help but feel jealous at whoever was getting to spend their time hanging out with Dream.

I spent the rest of the evening playing Minecraft with Sapnap and Karl and feeling like the third wheel for once.

"Karl, can I borrow your pickaxe?" Sapnap asked in a baby voice.

"Aww of course."

"Where's your pickaxe?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Well, when I fell I lost it so I'm just going to borrow Karl's."

"I don't mind Sappy." Karl said playfully.

"Okay guys, as much as I love you. I'm a little too depressed about Dream to hear all the mushy stuff right now, so I'm gonna hop off."

"George no!" They both pleaded.

"No I don't want to be a buzzkill," I said with a laugh. "I'll talk to you guys later."

Right when I was about to leave I saw Dream join the voice chat. "Dream?" I asked a little too excitedly.

"George," he said back just as excitedly.

"Dream!" Sapnap called out. When no one responded Karl decided to help him out.

"Sapnap!" He said excitedly.

I couldn't help but giggle.

"I was just about to leave," I admitted to Dream.

"Really why?"

"I was tired of third-wheeling." I said honestly. Sapnap and Karl both gave offended sounds.

"Well I'm here now I'll be your fourth wheel," Dream teased.

"Dream always saving the day." Sapnap chuckled.

"I'll always save Gogy," Dream teased. God I loved him so much. It was going to be next to impossible to get over him.

It was an accident (a DNF fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now