~The truth hurts~

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Will stares at you two for a while, stopping on his roller skates as he looks with a pain in his heart, for you and for Mike being a... fucking asshole

He quickly regains himself as he grabs Mike shoulder, pushing him away from you as you while your tears away


"Mike what are you doing! She doesn't li-" he doesn't get to finish as eleven comes skating over, a smile on her face as she looks between you three

You wipe your mouth and face as you look to the ground, eleven giving you a pointed look before keeping her smile

"Cmon you guys are missing out, y/n show us some of your moves" Jane says as you don't answer, moving away from them as you make it to the carpet floor with will at your tail

"Y/n I didn't mean it like that, you just sai-" mike doesn't finish as will grabs your shoulder talking you too a table, mike being there shocked before returning to el

"I'm down with this will, I just wanna go home" you whisper as you quickly unlace your skates, will being by your side as he tries to find words

"I know I know... Mike shouldn't have done that but you have to stay, this means a lot to el even though she's lying"

"I don't give a fuck about what's important to eleven, I'm tired of mike acting exactly like how he acted. Why are you defe-"

You stop in your words as you look behind him, seeing something that makes your eyes wide

"Y/n? What are you looking at?"

You slowly point your finger to the rink as your anger leaves your body


Will quickly turns his head as he sees the blonde greeting el and mike, her goons behind her as they all have smug looks on there face, Angela turning over to you and will as she laughs, waving her hand smirking

Janes face dropping as mike looks around confused, you wipe away your cheeks as you stare bullets into her

"Why today..."

You hear will whisper this as you pull his hand toward the restrooms, he quickly puts a do not disturb sign outside as you two lock yourselves in there

"Okay okay! We have to think of something. Anything to leave this arcade with el and mike" you say crouching down with him, will shaking his head as he flares

"Weren't you mad at him two second ago?" Will asks as you shake your head

"That doesn't matter anymore, there are friend and Angela's going to embarrass them" you say thinking of how you can lie to mike and get him out of this skater rink

"Doesn't matter? H-he literally had his hands all over you! And your just going to defend him like that?"

"It's not like that! It's over it's done! What happened to me doesn't matter what happens to them does!" You yell at will as he looks at you with slight glare

He grabs your face as he makes you look at him, the boy looking at you with horror as he shakes his head

"It does matter! Your not going to sit here and lie to me that you don't matter! Your acting exactly like how billy made you act-"

You hit him away from you as Will looks at you hurt, your eyes glaring at him as you shake

"What happens to me isn't your problem will! If you want to stay here and do nothing about Angela then stay here!"

He doesn't say anything as you slam the door close, leaving him all by himself in the tiny bathroom as you hear slight sniffles

You quickly go to find mike as you see him alone at a table, looking at the skater rink confused as he looks for someone


He quickly turns around as he smiles, getting up as he hugs you close, you look around him looking for eleven as you don't see the girl

"I was wondering where you and will went, look i didn't me-"

"Where's eleven?"

Mike looks at you confused before realizing, smiling as he looks over to the rink

"She went over there with her friend Angela, it was kinda weird since she seems like a.... You know"

Your eyes widen in concern as you look over him, seeing Angela twirl eleven a circle with her friends as you start to breath heavy

"What's wrong? She's just with a friend you can calm down" mike says pulling your back a little as you look at him

"She's lying to you, w-whatever she said about Angela was a lie. We need to get her out of this rink" you say as mikes smile goes down quick, looking at you before shaking his head


"No I'm serious mike! She's been having problems here" mike pulls away from you annoyed as he flares daggers into you

"What kind of problems? How the hell am I supposed to trust you!" He yells as you try to shush him, looking at eleven again as you put your hands together

"Just trust me mike! She's going to get hurt out there if we don't do anything!"

He thinks about your words for a second before looking behind you, anger boiling up in him as he pushes your shoulder

"Your lying! Eleven wouldn't lie to me about what's happening here! She never has no even about you two!" He screams as people start to look at you two

Your eyes widening a little as you look at him confused, before feeling a hand on your shoulder, Will being behind you as he looks at mike confused as well

"What? N-no mike listen"

"Listen! Listen to what? Your bullshit lies to keep up this perfect little image about yourself? Or the lies about how you and will are together?"

You feel will let go of your shoulder as you look at miked shocked, not knowing what to say as you stumble on your words

"El's been telling me.. how you two have been getting close, close enough that you stopped writing letters to me? Close enough where she can here laughter at 3am? Close enough where you too are fucking holding hands?!"

"Mike it isn't like th-" "shut up will I wasn't talking to you!"

The boy quickly shuts his mouth as he backs off, mike grabbing your hand as you try to tell him

"You won't even let me hold you! Yet Will probably gets to? Your a joke y/n!"

"Billy was right, your acting like a Slut!"

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