The red man

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Hello to whoever is reading this! this is my first time writing a story so im sorry if its kind of shit. I hope you enjoy

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________"Y/N!" Your mother yelled, you got up and yawned.

'Its so early..Oh that's right i'm hanging out with Lea today' 

you thought as you wiped your eyes and got dressed, ready to start the day. You wore this 

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"i'm coming mom!" You said back.

 "what took so long?" she asked.

 "Sorry, i was getting ready. I'm hanging out with Lea today" you said

 "oh It's okay Y/n, no need to apologize" She said as she started to walk away. 

You looked around the kitchen to see it empty besides you and your mother, you started to wonder where your father was. It's not like you were upset that he wasn't here right now, quite the opposite in fact. You hated your father. 

You hated him more than..anyone He was absolutely awful. 

You heard a thud as you father barged into the kitchen. And of course he was drunk..


Your father started talking to you. "What the fuck are you wearingg? Where are you going?"

  'He's slurring his words, again. drunken asshole.' 

"where d-do you think you're going? huh?" 

You didn't answer. 

you thought it would just make things worse if you did. that was until he slapped you.

 "YOU BITCH, ANSWER ME! IM YOUR GOD DAMN FATHER!" You held your face and went to say something but then your mother walked over to you.


 "..Y/n are you okay?" she asked softly as you nodded. You stood there looking at the kitchen floor. 


 "I'm so tired of your constant backtalk, i-its so annoying But thats alright.." He pulled out a gun and pointed it to the woman sitting on the ground.

Before you had time to react he shot her, he had shot your mother right in front of you. Specks of blood touched your clothing and face 

"M-mom?.." you asked, knowing that she was gone. WIth her lifeless body now resting beside you

"Now for you, you useless excuse for a kid. You were just like her too, always had somethin' to say back to me" he said, pointing his gun to you.

'Is this it?'

Before he could shoot, you grabbed the kitchen knife off the counter that your mother was using a few minutes prior and ran behind him.


There was just blood. You stabbed your father in the back until he stopped moving. Before he died he had notified his 'minions' they were already on their way after you. You ran out the back door into a patch of woods. 

"FUCK!" you yelled as quiet as you could.

 you couldn't stop crying. everything was going so fast. your parents are both dead and you have your fathers fucking 'henchmen' after you. 

you tripped over a root from one of the trees and fell nearby a little pond. and that's where you saw him.

The man in red

He was sitting here just staring at you as he saw you fall. His hair was a beautiful shade of red with dark black tips, he had some ear looking tufts of fur at the top of his head and small black deer-like antlers. He had a pinstripe suit on,along with a black and red bowtie. He looked very outdated. he looked like he was from the 1900's, and he looked far from human but you didnt care.

"Why hello my dear!~ A pleasure to meet you!" He said.

 His voice sounded like it was being played through a radio, an old radio. 

 He held his hand out, presumably to shake yours for some reason.

"I have to go there are people after m-me" you said.

 "Oh my..what for darling?"  He asked, as his smile grew.

 "I-i don't have time to explain, can y-you help me?"  You asked as you heard the people's footsteps growing closer. 

"Hm, very well..This will be entertaining" he said, muttering the last part to himself

 Stay tuned

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 I Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Again, this is my first time trying to write sooo please tell me if i misspell things or make other mistakes. Thank you and Goodbye!

{Word count: 751}

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