Velvet and Vox

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You had finished eating dinner with everyone-minus Alastor who wasn't hungry, for obvious reasons..The two remaining demons, Leyon and keio, finished and went to their rooms. You got up and walked over to the kitchen and started washing your plate.

"Hey, Al?" you asked

"Yes, darling?"

"I'm going to take a walk for a bit, i need some fresh air" you said, drying and putting away the plate in the cabinet.

"Hmm, Alone?" He asked

"Yeah" you said as he raised an eyebrow to you, while he did you got up and kissed his cheek

"I won't be long, i'll be back soon. Love you" you said as you grabbed and wrapped a black scarf around your neck and walking out of the front door.

"I love you too, be home soon and Be careful." he said. He sounded like a worried mother, it was quite adorable. You nodded and shut the door and started walking around, it was a little chilly out.

'Should've brought a coat too' you thought. You were walking around on the street, looking at all of the trash everywhere. The street was littered with mostly alcohol bottles, empty drug packages, rotten food, plain trash, and overall dead things. It was disgusting. You kept walking for a little until you heard something, you heard whispering nearby. You slowed your steps down and tried to listen

"Velvet, shush your goddamn mouth shes gonna fucking hear us"

"Okayy Vox, jeez. she'll hear You if you don't be quiet, then we won't get payback for what that radio bitch did to Val."

'shit' you thought, they were most likely in the ally way that was coming up in front of you. You turned around to leave but as you did that someone grabbed you

"I told you she was gonna hear us you dumbass" said Vox as he walked up to you with Velvet holding you in place, while your scarf fell off.

"Yeah yeah, just come on already" she said

"LET ME GO YOU SONS OF BITCEH-" You were cut off by vox holding a cloth to your face, everything was getting blurry. The last thing you saw was your scarf laying on the ground as you began to be dragged away from the spot you were in.


~{Alastor pov}~

I was pacing around the room, not a good sign.

"It's been two and a half hours, she shouldn't have been out this long. She said that she would be quick, somethings wrong" i said to myself. I walked down to the front door, i quickly grabbed a light coat and left.

I can't lose her again.

I was walking around for a good 10 minutes and look nearby to see Y/ns scarf lying on the ground, and it immediately brought panic to me. She wouldn't have just left it here, it was a gift.

'Did she get taken? Is she hurt? Who took her? How do i find her?'

As i thought that i saw a piece of pinkish red hair, i didn't think much of it until


Her and Vox must have taken her as payback for me killing Valentino, I'll go to the studio and finish off the other two. The nerve of them to take Y/n for something i did, If they hurt her i'll make sure to make their deaths Undoubtedly painful.

I walked for about 15 more minutes to the studio, i saw Angel sitting down inside.

"Hey smiles, whatcha doin' around here?" He asked

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