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Alastor was out doing something, probably killing people. You were lying down, you have been for the last hour or so. Just trying to figure out how you could help Charlie. But then it hit you, a way you could help. It wasn't a great plan and if you slip up and make the wrong move, it could result in your death but you said you would help her.

So you'll take this chance

You hoped out of bed and rushed to open the bedroom door, to see Alastor about to reach for the handle. He had little specks of blood on his face and clothing.

"Oh hello Darling, I didn't know you were in here. What are you in such a hurry for?" He asked as you sighed and grabbed his hand.

"I..i need to go back to heaven" You said, turning around and grabbing a jacket before walking back over to him.

"Wait what? Why?" He asked in a worried tone.

"It's hard to explain but Charlie might lose the hotel and i need to help her." You said as he placed a hand on your cheek.

"No, there's no way i'm letting you do that. I was so scared that i lost you the last time you were there and i-" He got cut off.

"Al, trust me. Please" You said, looking up at him with a soft smile.

"Well then at least let me go with you?" He asked.

"Alastor, i can do this. Just trust me" You said, giving him a small kiss before swooping next to him and out the bedroom door. He looked at you with a worried glance before sighing and sitting down on the crimson bed.

"Please be careful" He said, even though you couldn't hear him. You were already halfway down the hall.

You rushed downstairs while putting your jacket on, you were about to go outside and out the front door to leave before Charlie stopped you.

"Y/n? Where are you going?" She asked as you stopped moving and turned around slowly.

"I um..i might have found a way to save the hotel" You said as a smile grew on her face.

"Really?" She asked.

"I hope so, it's a slim chance but its all i have right now" You said as she tilted her head to the side in confusion.

"Well what's the plan?" She asked.

'If i tell her, she's not going to let me go. Let alone be happy with it'  You thought.

"I'll tell you when I come back" You said.

"It's starting to get dark out, where are you going?" She asked.

"I'll be back as soon as i can" You said turning around and walking out the door.

"Y/n-" She was cut off as you shut the door and sighed.

'I hope everything goes well..'


After walking for a while, you made it to the Morningstar mansion. You were standing right in front of the giant door.

If Lucifer opens this door, there's no telling what might happen.

You knocked on the front door, to where you heard someone yell. With footsteps that gradually got louder that followed the voice stopped at the entrance, then the door opened.

"Ah, hello. You must be Y/n, Charlie has told me about you. You look far prettier than you are when you are described, is there something you need?" She asked. just as you hoped for, Lilith answered the door.

"Thank you, but yes there is something important i would like to talk to you about." You said, faintly blushing at her complement.

"I see, well we wouldn't want Lucifer to know that you're here. Please, follow me out to the garden" She said walking past you, with you right behind her. 

She took you to a large patch of grass with red rose bushes and various other flowers growing around, there was a small table with four chairs surrounding it. It was simple looking but nonetheless, beautiful. Especially with it being dark out. She sat down and gestured for you to sit down across from her, to which you obliged.

"So, what is it that you need?" She asked as you took a quick breath and answered.

"Well, i heard you were supportive of Charlies hotel, correct?" You asked as she nodded.

"Of course, Lucifer isn't so happy about it though." She said.

"Yes, i heard he was going to try and shut it down." You said.

"That's correct, I wish there was something i could do for her to help" She said.

"There actually might be" You said.

"Oh? How so?" She asked.

"Is there any way you could get me up to heaven? Not permanently of course, just for a little." You said.

"Well, i suppose there is a way but how could that help Charlie?" She asked.

"I might be able to negotiate" You said with a slight grin as her smile grew to match yours.


Sorry for the short chapters, i promise the next one will be longer 😞

[Word count: 800]

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