3 - bossy

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warnings; smut

harry loves draco's attitude, the public has no idea.

[ wc — 2694 ]

maybe it's the fact that everyone would drop anything to please him after the war and it's getting rather boring, or maybe it's the fact that he isn't anywhere near independent enough to decide on things for himself, but harry definitely has a thing for being bossed about. this is why no one, not even ron, was surprised when he became absolutely enthralled with draco malfoy.

draco malfoy who, after the war, had managed to completely right his reputation, had become ambassador for countless charities, had managed to bag a job with one of the most well known modelling agencies in the wizarding world, and had left every man he involved himself with obsessed and heart broken. all accept harry himself.

people all across wizarding britain had been shocked when they had went public with their relationship; it wasn't because of who the two of them are, it was more or less expected that they'd end up together one day, but because of just how loved up they were. draco would never normally give any of his bachelors his time of day, having them run after him and tend to his needs with little care for them at all. with harry it is a completely different story.

draco will constantly hang off of harry's arm, never leaving his side if they are in public, looking up at him with an expression more akin to adoration than loathing as it had been in school. of course, there is still that cheeky, smugness to it, but only harry can see that.

speaking of harry, the man will bend to draco's every wish, willingly. if he sees the blonde eyeing a particular piece of clothing when they are in a shop, he buys it immediately. if draco hints that he wants to go to a certain restaurant, no matter how expensive, harry will make sure he has space in his busy schedule to take his fiancé as soon as possible. and when he had proposed, he had taken narssisa with him to look for the ring, settling only for the most luxurious one there. draco had absolutely loved it.

and while most things between the two of them had changed since they were teenagers, one thing had not. that thing being that draco still feels that he can boss harry about, not that harry is complaining.

he hides it well enough in public, but when there are no watchful eyes or creeping prophet photographers around, draco let's all hell lose.


well, that can't be good.

harry winces at the sound of draco's voice echoing down the hallway. he stands from his desk swiftly, leaving his paperwork behind along with his steaming cup of coffee, and makes his way from the study to the bedroom without hesitation.

"yes, dear?" he says as he steps through the doorway. draco is stood with his arms crossed over his chest, looking absolutely furious.

"my first charity ball in weeks is in less than twenty four hours and you still haven't bothered your arse to get one of the elves to sort your robes out!"

harry purses his lips from his position just in front of the door. he'd gotten distracted with the mounds of paperwork on his desk that he'd forgotten to tell kreacher about his robes. bugger. he knows how much draco hates wearing robes out without a good wash and iron after taking them home from the tailors; something about it being 'far from sanitary, you never know where people's hands have been'. it's easily done with magic, but draco likes to be well prepared.

"i'm sorry, my love," he walks over to draco, hands finding a place on the man's waist easily, "i'll get him to do it now. i have a lot of paperwork that needs doing, that's all, got a little distracted."

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