4 - potter's biggest fan

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draco malfoy's son is harry's biggest fan, and harry is all too happy to make his day.

[ wc — 4375 ]

it isn't news to harry that he has fans, he's entirely too used to that fact by now — not that he likes it by any means. but, when he receives a letter from draco malfoy (who he hasn't spoken to in, gosh, what was it, ten years?) in his ridiculous, slanted, all too perfect scrawl across the highest quality parchment declaring his son is his biggest fan, he doesn't quite know what to think.

dear potter,

i do hope you have been well. i suppose you won't be particularly thrilled to be receiving a letter from a man you haven't spoken to in ten years, let alone your school rival, but i wouldn't be writing this if it weren't for a good reason.

if you haven't heard, me and my former wife had a child almost five years ago. a beautiful baby boy, scorpius malfoy. he is the light of my life, and i will do anything in my power to keep this young boy happy.

you may be wondering why i mention my son, but he is the sole reason i am sat here writing to you in the first place. you see, scorpius is a very clever young boy. he began learning to read at the mere age of three, after insisting that it is what he wanted to do. of course, i couldn't say no. so, he started with small words, moved onto sentences, began reading children's books, and then moved onto the morning paper over breakfast. i have to admit, it did shock me, but he became heavily invested in what was going on around wizarding britain.

i assume you know perfectly well just how much your name pops up in the papers, and as soon as he had read one article he was obsessed. he learnt everything he could about you, your life, how you defeated voldermort. naturally, i wasn't too happy to find out that he had looked into the war, but luckily all he had focused on was what you did for everyone. he also has a new interest in quidditch, and insists that we watch the chuddley cannons' next game, no thanks to you.

i think it's fairly obvious that you have yourself a very devoted fan here, potter. it is nearing his fifth birthday, and after recently working out in that adorable little head of his that we attended hogwarts together, the present that he most wishes for is a letter from harry potter himself. obviously i won't force you into doing anything that you don't want to, but if you could please just find a little bit of time in your presumably busy schedule to write to him just to wish him a happy birthday, i wouldn't be able to thank you enough. there is nothing that is more gratifying than watching the way his eyes sparkle and seeing the pure happiness lift onto his face when he receives something that truly means something to him.

his birthday is in four days as of me writing this on friday, so if you could please get back to me as soon as possible that would be much appreciated.

oh, and when i told him i'd be writing to you for 'important adult business' he asked if i could put this picture that he drew of you into the letter, too. he's your biggest fan, as ironic as that is.

many thanks,
draco malfoy

harry stares down at the letter in utter disbelief. his dinner sits forgotten in front of him, tea now uncomfortably cool, and his mouth is hanging open unattractively. draco malfoy's son is his biggest fan? it's extremely hard to believe, but then again, kids always do have weird obsessions in their young ages. rose, ron and hermione's daughter, became enthralled with worms after a trip to the park. now that harry thinks about it, it does seem a fitting obsession for a young weasley.

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